Chapter 27: Taming the Dragon

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Mal looks around utterly confused. She's just come through a portal into a strange looking land with people staring up at her. She watches as the green portal that she and Uma had come through close and she sees her friends lying in the middle of the street. She lets out a loud roar that seems to rattle the surrounding buildings. She watches as more figures exit buildings into the streets of this strange land, that looks like a small town of some kind.

She watches as a girl with a jean jacket attempts to get near her friends, to which Mal lets out another roar to keep the stranger away. The two lock eyes for a moment, the dragon girl pauses for a moment as the two make some sort of connection. She can see the girl's blue eyes seem to glow for a brief moment before Mal has to look away in order to keep herself in flight. She becomes tired of flying, plus the strain of keeping Uma up in the air is now causing her wings to become tired and her scaly body to become heavy.

Uma is also frightened but does her best to hide it. She's twenty feet in the air with one of her tentacles wrapped around her archrival's scaly leg, hoping that her tentacles will not fail her. She feels several jolts of Mal's leg.

"DON'T YOU DARE DROP ME!" Uma screams. Her tentacles are struggling to keep a grasp as Mal's scaley foot continues to try and shake the cephalopod off.

Uma's heart is pounding in her chest, she knows that her rival either wants to let her drop or she can't hold her up any longer. The turquoise-haired cephalopod looks desperately for another place to grab on from the height she is at. Fortunately, the highest point in this strange land is a clock tower; so, stretching as far as one of her additional limbs could reach, the daughter of Ursula grabs the tip of the red dome just above the clock's face. Once her suction cups makes contact with the tip of the roof of the tower, her other tentacles slowly release Mal's legs. Once she's safely on top of the roof, Mal takes off further into the sky, beginning to circle above them, trying to find a place to land and deal with Uma once and for all.


Both Regina and Emma's hands light up in anticipation of protecting the town. Whatever the portal brought through included a dragon and a knock-off of Ursula hanging from its legs. They watch with hearts in their throats as the beast continues to roar at them and as the parody of Ursula except with blue hair escaping the dragon's clutches by clinging to the clock tower.

"This is why you should never mess around with portals Crystal!" Regina sighs upset that now both she and Emma must clean up the mess.

"Where the hell did that thing come from?" Emma mutters. Killian stands next to his wife, his cutlass in the air, trying to maintain eye contact with this beast. Rumpelstiltskin stands very still, admiring the beauty of the creature and watching the spectacle like it was an amusing show.

"I think it's best not to ask," Regina mutters.

"It's not Lady Lily having a temper tantrum is it?" the captain asks.

"No, wrong colour," Emma answers. "Plus, Lily doesn't have horns like that."

"What about Dragon Lady herself?" Regina asks.

"Different horns and colouring," Rumple says, seemingly very calm and almost amused by this display of imminent danger to the citizens of Storybrooke. Perhaps he missed the excitement that came with having a magical town.

However, his daughter has not said a word since the dragon came through, she was letting her vision take over to detect the energy of this new creature. Her aura was glowing a harsh bright purple, with flecks of green and blue mixed in. The heart had spots of gray mixed into the red and the symbol of a flaming heart, that slightly resembled a dragon appears below the glowing organ. The shape is very familiar to her... She seemed to be just like Maleficent, human/dark fairy but could turn into a dragon. Crystal could also detect the magic radiating from her. She was a powerful being, almost too powerful for her own good. Despite how threatening the dragon looks, Crystal can tell that the creature is a she and she is very afraid and confused.

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