(O/S) Kokichi x Reader

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From the start of that atrocious game, you didn't want anyone to hurt Kokichi.
Yes, he was a manipulative liar.
Yes, he should be in an asylum.
Yes, he... sometimes scared you.
But there were also times where he would be the best company a person could ask for, making light of the situation in attempts to either comfort you or himself.
Figuring it was the latter, you'd watch him from afar when he would taunt Kiibo relentlessly (you were the SHSL Observer, after all).
Fortunately, after Kaede and Rantaro's untimely death, he approached you during Free Time.
"Y/N! Y/N!" He called.
Turning around, you gave him a small smile. "What'd you need?"
"Your attention!" He was whining like a small child, pouting and standing on his tiptoes to try to look you in the eyes.
"Attention?" You echoed. "Um... I'm sorry?"
"What I'm saying is," he rolled his eyes, still pouting slightly. "That you have to talk to me for the entirety of Free Time, otherwise I'll frame you during the next class trail."
Blackmail? You weren't expecting anything less from him.
"Aren't you going to tell me to go away? Or that there won't be another class trail?"
"Unlike you, I'm not a lying asshole who runs from the truth in fear."
He paused, his eyes losing there spark for a second.
"I... That's..." He hesitated for another moment, before standing on his tiptoes again, smiling widely. "That's the most truthful thing you've said since you've gotten here, Y/N! But I hate to tell you that you are a liar, in a way."
"In a way?"
"You see, there will almost definitely be another class trail, but I promise you that I'll end this game."
"End it? I thought you were the one who was enjoying it the most?"
"...I-It's getting boring." He avoided your gaze by staring at the ground. "But, whatever you do, don't die. I'll end this game, not you."
You nodded in acknowledgment.
"Now, Y/N-chan, talk to me about normal stuff!"

-timeskip brought to you by my best bois-

You and Kokichi had hung out a lot since that day. You defended each other in class trails, until one fateful day.
You and Shuichi were investigating the new area. Priorities not straight, you decided to keep your eye out for Kokichi since you hadn't seen him in a while.
You found him, but you wished you didn't.
Lying face down with blood staining around his face, there he was. You couldn't tell if he was pulling a sick prank until you realised that his back wasn't rising and falling.
He wasn't breathing.
"No." At first you spoke quietly. "No no no no no!"
The rest was a blur. A blur of a confession and tears.
Shuichi tried to calm you down, until...
"It's a lie!"
You stared at him for a second. Your eyes were empty.
"I tripped up, y'know? Felt through the floorboards." He paused, as if weighing out his thoughts.
"Sorry, I must have fallen for you."

Word count - 515.

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