(O/S) The DRV3 boys as older brothers

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Requested by @Melody_tune_. Enjoy! Kept the pronouns gender neutral.


-oh sweet lord
-Basically he'd go out of his way to tease you
-He'd prank you day and night so you'd often stay over at your friend's house to get away from him.
-You got pissed at each other sometimes.
-But you were the best at teamwork.
-You pranked your school all the time.
-People trembled with fear on April Fools Day.
-You were both loyal.
-No snitches here.
-If you got teased he'd literally stalk the bully until they moved away.
-Also he was the best at comforting you after, like, a nightmare or something.
-Good bro, 10/10, would sibling again.


-Okay, so you weren't blood siblings but your family adopted a 'cleaning robot' only for him to become basically a part of the family.
-He's very helpful to everyone, including you
-Got homework? He'd google all the answers and show you the best methods to use to find an answer.
-Nobody really bullied you since they could be annihilated by your terminator of a brother since he'd great at defending others.
-But they knew that Kiibo sucks at defending himself
-You'd be the one chasing bullies away from him.
-Usually you'd just play mario kart together and while you'd get really aggressive he's stay pretty calm and mildly afraid of your fury.
-He drives you everywhere.
-He'd basically the SHSL Sibling.


-He'd be quite closed off, doing his own thing with his own friends.
-You would hang around with your friends.
-However every now and then if you both had homework you'd study together.
-He drove you around.
-If anyone bothered you he'd confront them about it.
-The best part about being his brother is that when you eat dinner you have fully-fledged debates about really stupid shit.
-You'd both prepare evidence and everything.
-Your parents would watch in fear.
-Overall he was a pretty fun bro.


-You were one of his many siblings.
-Surprise surprise.
-He would often buy you random gifts for being his favourite sibling.
-When you'd be tackled by his other sisters, he's often help you out.
-You enjoyed cooking together.
-Even though it was like Gordon Ramsey cooking with Jamie Oliver.
-"No, Y/N, you have to season the chicken before it goes into the oven!"
-"No, Amami, you're doing it all wrong!"
-You loved each other very much.
-If you were sad for any reason he'd do everything in his power to make you feel better.


-He was a really hilarious brother to have.
-You two jokingly teased each other a lot, filming each other doing embarrassing things
-No, not like that, get your mind out of the gutter, you're related to this bean.
-He was very protective and slapped anyone who did so much as laugh at you.
-He took you stargazing a lot.
-Sometimes you fought since he'd quite hotheaded but you always made up with space puns.
-"Hey, I know you might need some space but can you please forgive me?"
-"Oh my God, Kaito, I will if you never make another pun again."
-"Oh thank my lucky star."


-He had a second sibling who he was not pining over.
-People were pretty afraid of Kork so nobody really bullied him.
-You remained bully-free by association.
-He would often be visiting his sick sibling, but he left you all of his anthropology books to read while he was out.
-You were both experts by the time she died.
-You helped him cope, you helped him use the energy he used for grieving towards things like cooking and reading.
-On a less angsty note...
-You both wrote a book together about life and death and other deep subjects.
-You travelled a lot together.
-And if you were sad for any reason at all he'd try and make you feel like the best sibling ever.
-You rarely fought and were very close.
-But not in a weird way.
-I feel like clarifying that since it is Korekiyo we're talking about here.


-Gonta is easily the most supportive brother on the list.
-If anyone bullied you he'd unintentionally threaten them into leaving you alone.
-If you were sad he'd take you out on a nature walk since those always calmed him down.
-He often talked about how the forest raised him.
-You lived very close to the forest and you often played there when you were little and you just hung out there as you grew up.
-So they did raise him, kind of.
-You both camped out there a lot.
-He even helped you get over your fear of bugs.
-He's so supportive and kind and is always a gentleman.
-He never bugged you.
-Well, occasionally he did, but still.


-You two joked around a lot about dark stuff.
-You rarely fought since you never took anything too seriously.
-However when his girlfriend died he got very depressed.
-You did as much as you could and he did appreciate it, though articulating this was easier said than done.
-He'd get into fights a lot if anybody bullied you.
-And he was great at comforting you.
-He's a great brother and a great friend.

Word count - 903.

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