(H) The DRV3 girls as older sisters

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Casually making headcanons like—
Gender neutral reader used!


-prepare yourself
-this gal would tackle hug you everywhere
-nowhere was safe
-your bullies would flee in fear as miss keyboard cat would screech at them
-if you got scared of anything she'd often play you Moonlight Sonata to help you calm down
-I mean 99% of the time you screeched because of her but whatever accept the nice gesture k?
-if your parents ever compared you and Kaede she'd just roll her eyes and list off all of the things you were good at.
-bless the melodica bean.


-She was quite secretive and never left her room.
-If you were bullied she'd mostly just tell them sternly to go away and leave you be.
-She seemed almost uncaring.
-If you got scared, however, she'd be by your side in an instant.
-She'd know exactly what snacks to being up to you and the exact number of pillows you needed.
-She tried to isolate herself in fear of hurting you.
-She was, in fact, amazingly caring.
-You enjoyed reading together if she did decide to not isolate herself for an evening.
-It was nice.
-She was nice.


-oh, you thought Kaede was bad when it came to surprise tackle hugging?
-Tenko would literally just start beating you up for fun.
-Okay, that's an exaggeration, but her hugs were very strong and she nearly broke your arm one time from hugging you too hard.
-You never got bullied, and if you did the bully would be laying face-down in a ditch the next morning.
-^^Hyperbole, obviously, but something along those lines.
-She struggled when it came to comfort, so she just promised to kick whatever was bugging you in the balls.
-^^That would be enough for you.


-She would perform special debut magic shows just for you and even tried teaching you her spells.
-You looked some of her spells up and they just came straight out of Harry Potter.
-The tricks she taught you were for 'apprentice witches' (aka simple card tricks).
-You were the only person she'd let touch her hat.
-If you got bullied she used a 'dark spirit repel' spell on them.
-They got so scared of her that they left lol.
-She'd cast charms and spells around your room to keep nightmares and other fearsome things at bay.
-You never understood how much she cared about protecting you until you found her passed out on the couch with her hat just about staying on her head and her wand in hand.
-You'd been nice to her for the next month and made her her favourite snacks and encouraged her to do a talent show.
-She got first place and you'd never been prouder.


-She was excellent at caring for you, even if you barely saw her due to her demanding job as a maid.
-A weird thing that she did was ask you to mess up your room just so she could clean it up.
-^^It helped her destress.
-You tried to show her how much you appreciated her, but it was very difficult to pry her emotions out of her.
-She was quite protective and often dealt with bullies maturely.
-When you got stressed or upset she'd usually just let you talk your feelings out.
-She'd probably tell you funny stories about her job as a maid.
-^^"Did I ever tell you the story about how I went to someone's house and it was completely clean? They just wanted to have someone to talk to. I honestly felt bad for her - she was just an old woman."
-She was a great sibling overall.


-She'd draw you.
-A lot.
-She's scare bullies with Atua's wrath.
-She'd preach to you about Atua.
-However she'd still love you if you didn't take that religious path.
-Sometimes she bugged you with how pushy she could be.
-You two greatly enjoy travelling and exploring other cultures.
-If you get stressed she'd encourage you to draw or write your feelings out the best you could.
-It really did help.
-She really was a great sister.


-Okay, though she could scare you with her... obnoxiousness sometimes, she was a surprisingly decent sibling.
-Note that I said decent and not good.
-She'd leave a mess everywhere she went.
-No, not like that, you filthy perv.
-When she invented there was a lot of spare cogs laying about which you had to clean.
-If you pointed it out to her, however, she would learn from her mistakes.
-She plagiarised a lot of your schoolwork but never snitched on you if you did something wrong.
-She would proudly show Kiibo's new functions (putting a printer in his mouth, giving him super robot vision, etc.) much to his embarrassment and to your curiosity.
-Though she wasn't great at comforting you, she did make you laugh, and for you that was just as good.

Word count - 827.

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