(O/S + Crack) Teruteru x Kokichi

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Requested by @hai______. This isn't really crack, it's more like a rarepair fic with bonus crack at the end. Enjoy!
Fic title: Cooking Courageous Feelings.

Kokichi's POV

The second we were allowed to leave for lunch, I made beeline for the kitchen. I was going so fast that it was actually oddly amusing - I even passed Hifumi and Twogami.
No, I wasn't hungry (though that didn't stop me from grabbing a bottle of Panta on the way), I had just felt a sudden urge coursing through my body to confess to my crush.
Yes, that was it
Obviously I wasn't going to make the confession boring. I'd make it fun. Like a game.
I kicked open the door to the kitchen. "Teruteru Hanamura!" I declared loudly, grinning madly as the short chef spun around and anxiously squealed.
I had the height advantage for once, so I decided to make the most of it. I picked him up in my arms and stared him down.
"You. Me. After school. Blushing contest. Your place. Winner gets to pick the loser's fate."
I left the baffled chef dizzily swaying as I put him down and went to drink my Panta.

Teruteru's POV

My head was spinning. What the Hell?
No, really, what the actual Hell?!
I made a mental note to meet Kokichi Oma, my dearest darling-est crush, at the school gates and I finished whatever I was doing.

-timeskiiiiip brought to you by Mondo and Teruteru's pompadours-

The second Kokichi and I returned to my house I asked, "So, what are the rules to this game?" I was trying to hide the fact that I was, indeed, very very very nervous.
"It's easy." Kokichi grinned. His face became serious. "Don't blush."
I felt my slightly flustered face break into a nervous sweat. "O-Okay."
"See? That's the spirit!" Kokichi cheered in such a bright way that I nearly blushed. I hoped that he didn't notice.
He noticed.
"Oh?" He asked as a smirk crept onto his face. "Was your face getting hot, Teruteru?"
"No!" I retorted too quickly. "Do you want a bite to eat? A drink perhaps?"
"I only have one snack on my mind right now." He replied innocently, but of course my mind being the way it was caused me to nearly fail Kokichi's ludicrous challenge.
I soon realised that I had to step up my game.
"You're right. I would grab a snack for myself but I could just eat you up."
This sort of behaviour went on for some time. Enough said there.

Narrator's POV

Whem Teruteru's mother stepped through the door, there was static silence.
"Oh, is this your boyfriend?" She asked.
"Oh, hello mama." Hanamura awkwardly greeted as Kokichi just suppressed laughter.
"My goodness he is handsome." She chuckled to herself as she went upstairs. She even added, "Do try to keep it down if you want to do the do. I'm going to take a nap."
Teruteru spun around and saw a sight he could have only imagined.
Kokichi Oma, the SHSL Supreme Leader, blushing with his hand over his mouth.
Teruteru had a nosebleed.
It wasn't a blush, so Teruteru was permitted to pick Kokichi's fate.

Oookay crack starts here (Narrator's POV)

SO hamamural picced kockichi up By his WeIrd ShoEs and thReW Him OnTo da bedd in hi s room and they mAd out for liiiiike two Hours and it was Pretty HAWt tbh an d like Ooma tuk soMe PAntA™️ anD pouRed it unto TeruTeru and TheN theY waTcHed GOrDOm RamSey and ChilleD de end.

Word count - 600.

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