(Just for Fun) How to survive a Danganronpa trial

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Oops, your finger slipped and you're suddenly murdering one of your classmates. It's cool; I totally get it.
However, being tortured to death for the aforementioned murder is not so cool.
So here are some tips and tricks from yours truly on how to survive a Danganronpa trial!

Step One - Know Your Classmates.

It seems basic, sure, but it is vital to know who is friend and foe. As unpleasant as it sounds, you need to manipulate friends into persuading your foe. Go in with the best alibi possible and actually help with the investigation. If you were smart, you wouldn't have overcomplicated things. Complications make it easier for you to trip up, so stab and thoroughly dispose of any evidence. Do it quick so you can get a good alibi.

Step Two - Always Have A Plan B.

Wait until everyone has disclosed their alibis before you speak. If somebody else was where you claim to be, think over another location where nobody was. Lying is key here. Another important note is to speak only when spoken to, only piping up if you have been ignored for a while. If someone starts to call you out for being quiet, act. If you're typically emotional, cry about how hard hearing about so-and-sos death was. If you're typically edgy just say that you can't be assed and make a crude remark. You get the gist.
Acting and lying are very similar things.

Step Three - Stay. Calm.

For God's sake, if you're being backed into a corner then do not panic. Keeping calm may trick the accuser into thinking that you're not the culprit. Fight fire with fire - create a distraction by accurately accusing someone else who could have done it. Do not toss the blame around mindlessly; logic is crucial to survival.

Step Four - Never Encourage The Voting, But Don't Defy It Either.

Wait until the class have decided that it wasn't you and wait for someone else to start the voting. Do not defy that person in attempts to make yourself look more innocent - just a quick, "I can't believe he'd force us to do this..." will be fine.

Congrats! You survived! However, this does not guarantee your safety. You will have to compete in the next year's Danganronpa as the SHSL Survivor. For every year that you survive, the mastermind will keep trying to kill you before your winnings became too predictable. Here's how to deal with that...

Step Five - Surviving As The SHSL Survivor.

Use your Survivor Perk. Any perk is a good perk. Also, actually make use of the First Blood Perk and various other motives.
Also, you may have lost all of your memories, but habit never changes. Before going in the next season, make a habit out of dodging things, stabbing, and make yourself accustomed to the idea of murder. This is going under the assumption that the mastermind does not rewrite your character (so that the audience has a familiar face to look for).
Each year will get even harder than the last. You just have to keep winning trials. Chances are they'll let you leave the show if you survive, like, ten seasons. The audience will want a new survivor. Either that or you're stuck killing until you are too old to be a contestant. Or you'll die. Hopefully one of the first two.

Thanks for reading and I hope you don't get a fiery death!

Word count - 577.

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