(Just for fun) Rating the DRV3 characters from worst to best waifu

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I swear I'm a good writer, a killing game AU fic should be out soon—
Rated from worst to best.


Tsumugi - she. Abused. Kiibo. She. Deserved. To. Die.
Maki - UNPOPULAR OPINION ALERT: I felt like she was just far too edgy. I loved her relationship with Kaito, but she came off as a stereotypical tsundere to me.
Kaede - plainer than Tsumugi, somehow.
Himiko - at first her whole 'mage' running joke was great but since she survived it became kind of tiring towards the end of the game.
Tenko - though I thought her obvious SJW-ness was great and she was a perky character, I felt like she wasn't given enough time to develop her character.
Miu - she's just really great. Her comedy can seem like a crutch at times but her character was overall well-rounded and her murder plot being turned against her was a brilliant way to take her arc in a completely different direction // flip it on it's head.
Angie - love her design to pieces and how positive she looks in nearly all of them, and she is so interesting and unique. I just wish they'd fleshed out her character a bit more, she's wasted potential (like Leon and Teruteru).
Kirumi - I really love her backstory and overall character arc. It lasted the perfect amount of time and made her so well rounded and interesting. I would complain about how she was only in two chapters, but her execution was GREAT (and actually what my friend showed me to explain what Danganronpa was // got me into the game) and her arc didn't seem drawn out.


Gonta - I swear I love the precious bug boy, but sometimes I've got very Kokichi-esque views on him. He can come off as frustratingly dumb (or 'innocent') and is just a bit annoying after a while. He should have died earlier tbh (thoughI loved the whole thing with him and Kokichi teaming up inside the virtual world).
Korekiyo - though his arc was interesting, it was borderline disturbing. Scratch that; it was very very disturbing. I feel like his character can be just uncomfortable. He tried to be d e e p but just comes of as an edgy dude trying to sound cool.
Ryoma - I know it seems like I hate him from how low I put him, but hear me out. I hated his character at first, from his design to his e d g y personality. However, when he died and after it was revealed how he was murdered, I realised what a great character he was and how he was practically the definition of wasted potential. His design is so cartoony it's difficult to take his complex character seriously (or what would have been his complex character if he hadn't died so early).
Shuichi - just not a fan. I can't really think why, but I feel like he's a better protag than Kaede so there's that (then again literally anyone can be a better protag than Kaede so—).
Rantaro - seemed like a chill avocado. Wish he had more development though :')
Kaito - he's just great. He made me cry so many times, especially when he was executed, though I did find it annoying how he dragged things on (like his saltiness towards Shuichi after Gonta died) only to find out that (as expected) things would be resolved. He's just a great character and I'm glad he was one of the last to die :'D
Kiibo - he's one of the greatest characters in the entirety of the Danganronpa franchise. He's so sweet and mature, but so niave it's adorable. His arc was great; making him the audiences POV was a great idea. I wish he survived, omg—
Kokichi - do I even need to explain? His character is so deep and complex that (unlike most of the other characters) he was talked about even after his death. His death, btw, was abSOLUTE GENIUS. BOTH HIS FAKE ONE AND HIS LEGIT ONE. GOD WHY DID HE HAVE TO DIIIIEEEE?!

A/N: I absolutely loved everyone in V3. The characters from the first two games were a hit and miss when it came to me liking them, but each and every character in V3 is great. This is just a list of less-good waifus to best waifus. Thank you for reading!

Word count - 724.

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