(O/S) Ishimaru x Male! Actor! Reader

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Requested by SamWritesStuff2106. Enjoy!
Fic title: Acting Up


Being the SHSL Actor sucked at times.
People would expect me to constantly be intriguing and different and loud, so when I just quietly did something mundane they got bored. They also think that I'm an attention seeker.
I mean, I don't care, but I can still complain.
However, being the SHSL Actor does have its perks, like memorising Shakespeare lines.
I would have never been able to tell this story if I wasn't such a... gay/bi/pan (whatever you prefer lol) human being.

The evening drew closer as I packed up my things from my drama class. Everybody was exiting in their little cliques, gossiping and laughing like people do.
I was, in fact, waiting for my friend Ishimaru just outside of the classroom. It was odd - he hadn't arrived despite his very strict and precise way of going about his day.
I sighed and leaned against the wall.
Some of the male students decided to call me names. They didn't impact me too badly - I was an actor. No matter how good you someone, somewhere in the crowd, will heckle you. They yelled the same old homophobic slurs and left when I bored them for just staring at my phone.
Remember how I said it didn't impact me too badly if someone taunted me?
Yeah, well they were taunting me about something I couldn't change - my sexuality.
It made my stomach turn but I kept staring at my phone. What was taking him so long?
I soon got bored. I should have been home by that point. My parents would be worried sick.
I turned to leave when I realised that nobody had locked the classroom door.
My logic was that the key to the classroom was probably left on the teacher's desk, so I could grab it, lock up and leave without Ishimaru.
Oh how flawed my logic was.
I took a step inside the classroom and glanced around, spotting no key on the nearby desk. I shrugged and turned to leave.
The classroom door locked.
I paused for a second.
I gently tugged on the doorknob. It jiggled but didn't open.
"Uh, hello?" I asked to nobody in particular.
I pulled on it harder, banging on the door. "Hello?! Hey, there's somebody in here!"
"Y/N? Y/N?! I'm stuck in the closet!"
"Same." I joked, but I doubt he heard.
I recognised the voice - who wouldn't recognise such a loud yet fretting voice?
"Wait, Kiyo?" I queried, striding towards the prop storage cupboard and knocking on the door.
"Get me out of here!"
I silently made an innuendo to myself before running at the door with my shoulder. Surprisingly, the door gave way quickly and it flung open.
"Ow, damn!" Kiyo 'cursed' (well, that's his definition of cursing) as he stood up from a kneeling position. He was rubbing his nose.
"Oh God, did I hit you?"
"Yes, but it's alright. Sorry for cursing at you."
I couldn't stifle my laughter. "No prob, Kiyo."
"Despite that, I was hoping you'd do something more... school friendly. I'm afraid I'll be forced to make you pay for that lock that you damaged."
"Sure thing, ha ha."
We stood in awkward silence.
"I-I better text my parents so that they don't worry." I excused myself to the corner of the room, leaving Kiyotaka on his own for a little bit.

Ishimaru's POV

I though about our options for escape. Being trapped with a crush in a room where nobody could find you was not welcome in a school environment.
Yes, though it's rather unwholesome, I did have a crush on Y/N. I was a homosexual.
Of course that was unbeknownst to some of my friends. Mondo, Chihiro and Y/N did not know about my sexuality. As much as it hurt, I was fine with pretending to be straight.
And they called Y/N the Ultimate Actor.
"Okay," Y/N declared after returning to where I was stood, "My parents said that they know the school's number and somebody should definitely come and get us out. As of now though, what should we do?"
I pondered for a while. I'd never actually seen Y/N act. We weren't in the same class for drama. I was about to suggest an activity when the pulled out a packet of crisps (or chips if you're American).
"Want some?" They offered, pulling open the packet. "They're f/f (favourite flavour)."
"Eating in a classroom is strictly against the rules." I hesitantly responded, much quieter than I'd expected.
"Wow, you didn't scream it at me, so I guess it's completely okay." He teasingly bit into one of the crisps. I nearly screamed and he was practically dying with laughter.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he chuckled, "I was just teasing."
Swiftly, I mumbled, "Canyouactoutasceneforme?"
He seemed to grasp what I was requesting.
"Hm... I can do one better!"Gesturing for me to wait, he darted into the props cupboard and took out a bouquet of roses. They were plastic but I couldn't help but blush.
"Kiyotaka, Kiyotaka, wherefore art thou Kiyotaka?" He acted.
"Romeo and Julien. The gay version of Shakespeare."
"Oh, I must have not come out to you. I like dudes and I'm asking you out. Go to prom with me?"
My words were spluttered and my face was bright red. "H-HOW DID YOU EVEN KNOW—?! I MEAN SURE, BUT—"
"Oh, I have a built in gaydar™️ which is about fifty percent accurate. I told Nagito about my plan to ask you out today. I guess his luck rubbed off on me."
"Wait, this thing was planned?"
"Oh no, I was going to procrastinate until this whole situation occurred. Are we a thing?"
"I-I'd love to be a thing!"
"Good." He said, suddenly pecking me on the cheek. "That's settled then."
"Wait, but romance is not welcome in a—!"
"Oh hush, you know you loved it."

Bonus ending!

"Hell yeah, it worked!" Mondo highfived the much shorter student.
"We should let them out now, huh?" Chihiro suggested.
"Nah, let's see if things get more interesting."
Chihiro chuckled slightly, unlocking the door.
The second Y/N spotted the two giggling students he dashed after them.
"Y/N! Murder is not welcome in a school environment!"

Word count - 1075.

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