Chapter 9

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Marissa wasn't at breakfast, and her spot wasn't even made. Alison came down with the flu last night, four of the girls are leaving after breakfast, and my mother was with Alison. The room was quiet, and just overall awkward. Girls started to trickle out of the room little by little.

I leave the room with only a handful of girls left at the tables. I was worried for Marissa. I hope she wasn't going to leave after yesterday.

I get to her door and knock. I hear a faint, "Come in," from Marissa inside.

Opening it I find Marissa laying on her side so her back is facing away from me. I walk in, and she shifts so she's facing me.

"I'm sorry if I woke you," I say.

"Oh no. But I wouldn't come any closer. I'm on bed rest until my fever breaks," she says.


"Yeah I got sick in the night. I was only sick once, but a doctor came in and told me that I can't leave my room until the fever breaks."

"Well then. I was about to do a check on all of the girls here, and I was just wondering why you weren't at breakfast, and how you were after yesterday."

Part of that was a lie that I was now probably going to do.

"Ah. Well then. Better not stay here for too long then," Marissa says.

"It's fine. I'm mainly going to go see these four girls. They're leaving today because of the attack yesterday," I respond taking a few steps closer to her bed.


"Yeah. I think it's Peyton from Sota, Alaina from Waverly, Adeline from Fennley, and Kennedy from Kent."

"Four? I didn't think that would scare that many off."

"I know. I guess it is the first attack since I was younger so the threat may be a bit bigger now than it was then."

"That could be." A small smile plays at her lips which causes a small one to play at mine.

After a few moments of silence I clear my throat. "Well I better let you rest. I hope you'll be better tomorrow," I say.

"I hope so too. You better get checking on those girls too."

"Yeah. Sleep well Marissa Singer."

She laughs a little. I go to leave her room when I see her yawn a little. I smile to myself as I leave her room. Closing the door behind me I take a few deep breaths. There was just something about Marissa that made me feel safe. That made me feel like I could open up to her.

I try to clear my head a little of Marissa. Not because I wanted to, but because I probably shouldn't go into another Selected's room thinking about someone else. I'm not good at hiding my emotions so it would be too obvious I wasn't thinking about the girl I'm talking to.

I move from Marissa's room to the room next to hers. It was the girl I went on a date with yesterday. Her name was Peyton. She was going to be eliminated by the end of the week anyway, but this way it was her choice to leave, and not mine.

I suck up all of the courage I can muster and knock on the door


It had taken nearly all day, but I had successfully met with all of the Selected. It was dinner now. Alison is still sick, but it was my father who was with her this time. My mother hadn't eaten so she was going to eat dinner, then go back up.

The four girls left at noon today, and were probably home already. Marissa was still in her room. Hopefully she would be better by tomorrow.

Dinner was quiet again. Ben wasn't there, and there was nothing really to talk about.

"I was planning on a Christmas Ball this year Nathan. Any ideas?" My mother asked me.

"I don't know. If I can get the competition narrowed down we could have the Selected families come. You know surprise them with their families for Christmas," I say quietly so the Selected couldn't hear.

"That would be very nice. I think they would like that very much. Christmas is in a few weeks. Do you think you'll have it narrowed down enough?"

"Maybe. I have a pretty good idea of who I want to keep and who I want to eliminate."

Marissa's face comes into mind. Her fiery red hair, and the small dimples on her cheeks when she smiles. I have only known her for a few days, but it feels like a lifetime.

"Or do you already have one picked out?" My Mom asks with a small smile on her lips.

I smile. "Maybe. But she could change. I haven't met all of the girls yet."

"I don't think you need to. I can tell you really like one. But I won't pressure you into anything."

I smile. A chair quickly moving against the floor, and a girl running out catches my attention. She's holding her stomach, and mouth.

"If the flu is going around the palace good luck trying to escape it," my mother says.

"No kidding. I checked in on one of the Selected this morning who wasn't at breakfast. She said she was sick in the night, but was fine. She told me she isn't supposed to leave her room until her fever breaks. Don't worry I kept a safe distance from her when we were talking," I say.

"Oh? Who was it?"

"I think it was Marissa Singer."

After hearing about what happened in my father's Selection I have been afraid to mention anything about Marissa or anything about the Singer's to my mom. It wasn't a good idea. A disaster waiting to happen. My mother stiffens at her name. She knew about Marissa being a Singer.

"Well I hope she gets better," she says her voice changing.

I need a way out of this conversation that I created. I try and think of an excuse to leave, but I can't think of any. But my mother does. She stands and says, "I better go relieve your father of duty. I'll see you in the morning."

She walks with a straight back, and leaves the room. Then I'm left to finish my meal alone in silence.

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