Chapter 11

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It was late, yet I was till tossing and turning. I couldn't sleep. There was just something on my mind that I couldn't shake. So deciding to do something about it, I get up, and head to the kitchen to find something that could help settle me.

Leaving my room I begin to make my way to the side stairs that go directly to the kitchens. As I land on the second floor I stop dead in my tracks as I hear voices, and footsteps. They're coming my direction. Looking around there aren't many places for me to hide. The only thing I find is a small dark hall that the servants must use. Time's up, and I'm out of options. I duck into the hall just out of the line of sight of whoever is in the hall. I don't know why I need to hide, but I have a feeling that I just have to.

Listening closer I can hear the voices. It's my mother, and Ben. They're voices are soft, but making them out is easy.

"When will they be ready?" my mother asks.

"They've heard your request. They know what's at risk. They just aren't sure if they'll be able to do it. What you're asking is too big for them now. Give them a few weeks. Have a big one when there's a big audience," Ben says.

I hardly hear my twin talk. When I do it's quiet mumbles, and whispers. He used to talk all of the time, and then something changed. He was darker, grimmer, and not the happy twin that I used to know.

"I understand. I just want to know when they're planning on the big attack. We need to get rid of her, and soon. I'm afraid that my son has fallen in love with her," my mother says. I suck in the tiniest of gasps.

"That plan won't work. You're star player has left the palace already. Afraid of what's at hand."

"No. She was called away on specific duties. I gave her an order, and so did the leader of her province. She is needed elsewhere. But she will return. Don't worry."

"I see. Why doesn't the boss know about this?"

"Because it was a need to know basis, and he doesn't need to know until the plan is in motion. I. E. When Marissa Singer is eliminated. And by eliminated I mean killed. Along with her lousy mother."

"Why do you hate America Singer so much?"

There was a pause, and a sharp swish of fabric. I knew my mother has twisted to stand in front of Ben to make a point. "Because she thought she had everything in the Selection. She had Maxon tied around her little finger. All he did was spend time with her. Then look where that got her. Now I'm afraid our little trip to Carolina has brought back many old memories for him. I want her gone. That way Maxon can spend more time with the person that means the most to him. Me."

"It was just a question. You don't have to defend your cause."

"Oh. But I do. Because it was all about America. Now look where she's at. Rotting away because she stepped out of line. I don't want her tainted blood on the throne. You hear me?"

"Loud and clear. Now I might add, convince Nathan to have a mass elimination. Get majority of the girls out of the palace. Have just the Elite remain. Then host the Christmas Ball, and have the families come. Then we can take out Marissa and America."

The footsteps continue. "I like that plan. I like it a lot. But there is no way he'll be able to do that."

"Then we'll have more attacks. Scare away more contestants, and narrow it down for him. Then he'll be forced to narrow it down."

"Then we run the risk of not having Marissa here to take."

"Nathan is so crazily in love with her, there is no way he'll eliminate her before Christmas."

"Good. If he does there will be a price to pay."

"I know. I have a backup plan in case she's eliminated."


There was a pause. It was somewhat long. I move my head to look down the hall to see my mother and Ben standing in the entrance of the hall. My mom is squinting her eyes trying to look down the hall. She's suspicious. If I move she'll hear me, and see me. So I stop breathing, and stand perfectly still.

"I'll tell you later. For now I need to tell you a few things about my plan. We can't kill Marissa. Not yet. Take her to the base, then we'll bargain with Maxon. He won't know I'm with you, therefore I can guide him in making his choices. Then we can get rid of her."

"And for America?"

There was another pause. Then my mom let out a long sigh. "Kill her. Make sure she's near Maxon though. I want him to feel the pain of loss," she said.

"That I can do. I'll tell the boss our big plan. Until then," Ben said.

I hear his footsteps retreat in one direction, and my mother's in the other. I let out my breath and slouch against the wall. Running my hands through my hair I think about what I heard. An assassination plot for Marissa.

I need to find a way to keep her safe. I don't want to eliminate her, my mom is right there, but if that's the only thing that will keep her safe then it has to be done.

My head spins with all of the possible outcomes. I look down the dark hall I'm standing in. I know this hall. It leads to Miss Marlee's rooms. My father introduced me to her when I was young incase I needed her for something. Her son Kyle and I get along well, she knows me well through him.

Looking behind me to make sure no one's following me I make my way down to Miss Marlee's rooms. I hope she doesn't mind me coming at thins hour, but I really need to talk to someone who will listen, and not think I'm a total idiot.

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