Chapter 21

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It was getting late, and I was beginning my rounds. I was planning on an elimination soon. I'll probably just do the girls that are sick first. Then work my way from there. Just today alone there were five sick girls. All of them had the flu. Luckily Marissa didn't get sick.

Every time my mind wondered, it went straight to Marissa. I've only know her for a few days, but it feels like a lifetime. A part of me was saying she was the one for me. But the other part was telling me to give the other girls a chance. So that was my plan for tomorrow, after the elimination at lunch.

I made my way to the last door, Marissa's. I knocked quietly, but no one answered. I pressed my ear to the door to hear her playing the piano. She has told me many times that her mother teaches them the arts even though they're threes and not fives. Deciding not to bother her I silently open her door, and just stand in the doorway and watch her.

She has a piece of sheet music out, but she wasn't really paying it much attention. Her eyes where focused on the keys as they flew across them. Touching one quickly, then moving to the next one. She finishes, and I give her a small applause. She twists to see that it's me.

"Prince Nathan. Isn't this a lovely surprise," she says with mock formality.

I give a small chuckle before responding also with mock formality, "Well Miss. Singer, I heard you playing, and I just couldn't resist."

We share a laugh before I move to sit on her bed. She too moves and sits next to me.

"I'm doing rounds tonight. This is the last night some of the girls are here. I'm doing the first elimination tomorrow at lunch," I say placing a hand on hers.

"I'm not being eliminated am I?" Marissa asks with concern.

"No. I couldn't imagine eliminating you. At least not this early. You're the only girl who I've been able to open up to."

She smiles. "Well I certainly hope I'm not eliminated at all. I'm not here for the crown. I'm here for you really. My mom's family always joked about the food here. It really is as good as they said."

I laugh. "Well I hope so."

"After learning that my mom was in the Selection she told us that she was only here for the food." She laughed her gentle, and contagious laugh. Soon I was laughing as well.

We settled down, and just enjoyed each other's presence. Her lips formed a smile, and so did mine.

"You know. We could share that first kiss again. Since it was rudely interrupted," I say.

She blushes. Before I know it I'm leaning in, and soon kissing her. It was sweet. I take in her scent as we kiss. She smells like vanilla, and lemons. I guess the kiss wasn't meant to last long. Because soon my father walks in. We pull apart, and both look at the door.

"King Maxon," Marissa says with shock.

"Please Marissa, just call me Maxon," my father says. I have never heard that come out of his mouth before. Something must be wrong.

"What is it father?" I ask standing.

"I have news from your family in Carolina Marissa," he begins. I look back and see Marissa's face play two different emotions. Shocked, and worried. "I'm here to inform you that your mother had a heart attack."

"What?" Marissa asks shakily while trying to stand.

"Please Marissa sit down. This happened to your mother with her father. But your mother is alive, and stable." My father makes his way over to the side of her bed, and sits down next to her. "They are not forcing you to return home. But they are leaving the option open."

Marissa places her head in her hands and begins to cry. I realize that she needs to be comforted, so I sit back down on the bed, and begin to rub small circles on her back. She leans into me, and I let her. I can only imagine what's going on inside her head.

After Marissa calms down she asks, "Will I be eliminated if I go home?"

"I will allow four days to be absent from the palace, which does not include travel. If you decide to stay home after being with your mother then you will be eliminated, but if you decide to return, I will make sure that you won't be eliminated," my father explains.

She nods her head and considers it for a few moments. "Can I tell you my final decision tomorrow?" She asks.

"If you tell me by noon tomorrow. If not I will just assume that you will be staying." The words sound harsh, but I know that he means well. Four days is s good amount of time, and he does need to know right away too. So there really is no other way to put it.

"Okay," Marissa says rather quietly.

My father stands and begins to make his way to the door. "I will leave the letter that your grandmother sent here for you to read. When you have decided let me know, and I will arrange whatever needs to be done."

She nods her head. I can tell that she's about ready to start crying again. He leaves the room, and closes the door. That's when she lets out everything she was holding back while my father was here.

After a few minutes she pulls back. Her face is all red and puffy, but she still looks beautiful nonetheless. She sniffs, and wipes her eyes. A few hiccups escape her lips as she tries to calm down.

"Um. Could you tell your father that I'd like to return home for a few days to be with my mother please?" she asks.

I nod my head. "Of course," is all I say.

She wipes her eyes some more. I spot a Kleenex not too far away. I stand up to grab it, and hand it to Marissa. She blows her nose, and uses what's left to dry the rest of her tears.

"I'm um, I'm going to get to bed," she stutters. "I'll see you tomorrow."

She stands and walks to her bathroom. I get ready to leave as she changes. I reach for the door knob as she comes out in her nightgown. I decide to wait. She climbs in her bed, and walk over to her. Helping her pull her covers up, I plant a kiss on her forehead.

"I'll tell my dad. Rest is what you really need right now. I'll inform your maids that you can sleep in, and are not required to go to breakfast," I say. She gives a small smile. "Good night, and rest well Marissa."

I turn off her light, and leave her room.

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