Chapter 4:

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Zubaida in stilettos


The girls met the guys, while Shuaib and Zeenat hit it off, Zubaida and Zuhayr don't have much of connection, but there is a simmering interests developing.

Chapter 4:

Zubaida P.O.V:

After waking up the next morning, I felt rush of excitement course through, it will be my first meeting with my new bosses. So after quickly wash and dress, I went down for breakfast. "Salaam how are my two loving parents this morning", "Well someone is cheerful, from the look of it last night went well" said my mother, "Actually it was well, but the cheerfulness is due to work, got big meeting with the bosses to discuss new cases" I says with a smile, "Well that good, keep up you will be needing your energy for today ","Thanks papa bear, this is very yummy mom" I said after having the muffin, " Well it is your favourite blueberry muffins, and where that lazy best friend of yours" she asks. "Well sleeping beauty is still very much asleep, I will just go and wake her" I said, after finishing my meal.

"Wake up! Breakfast is served and there not much left if you still want to eat" I said, " Morning, do you really need to shout, I am already awake" she says, After saying my goodbyes, I left them and headed for the office.

In the office chaos is the order of the day, as soon as I entered the office, everyone including the admin staff rush around to completes the task at hand, when I got to my floor, my teammates and I started our presentations for our case, it a while before anyone got to us to say that our meeting is cancelled. This is ridiculous all our planning and turn out it for nothing, and to add insult to injury they put us on research duties, which apparently is due in another hour time, according to Ginny, our floor receptionist, she told us in the morning.

So we rushed to get all the info on the case:

We are on the defending side, Jim Barry, our client is accused of laundry monies through several of his enterprises, he own about 6 restaurants. Firstly we got to prove all his businesses are legal and all transactions are in order. So our job is to get all the necessary paperwork and provide the lawyer with the information. So rushing off to collect his paperwork, which is about 8 boxes filled with files, he didn't use the electronic filing systems, so manual labour is required, we asked for an extension, and only allowed 2 extra hours, which we were really grateful about.

"Gosh his filling is really outdated, he really should consider modernizing" said Natalie, " This will takes us ages to go through, let alone make a document stating what we saw" said Josh , "I get the point, but we can't back down, from what I'm seeing each boxes is from different years, so we take the earlier and get the proof of all the legal documents he has, and we work down, and there is luckily contents pages in these filed that should help find them easier, first Natalie and I will go through the boxes, while Josh get some background information on our client, he should be on our systems.

So for the next hour we rushed and got all the documentation we needed, than together with Josh background, we compiled an information booklet to give the lawyers, this did take the rest of the time, so when we handed it over, we could finally breathe, "Whew! That was a close shave, lucky to your clever thinking we got through this" said Natalie to me, "it was a team effort, thank goodness I got stuck with a bunch of clever nuts" I said with a wink. "let go out for a drink to celebrate our first success at the tough times ahead" said Josh, "Aw I wish I could but I need to hurry home, it my turn to make supper, my mother way of teaching the surviving skill of cooking, so I am prepared for marriage"' I said, "Well I would kill for home cooked meal all I get when I get home is takeaways" said Natalie, " you are more than welcome to come home for supper, the more the merrier" I said, : Nah another time, best of luck" said Natalie, "hey don't forget to invite me as well" said Josh with a pout, " how can we forget our tea boy", "hmph, next time get your own if you think of calling me that again", "okay sorry, please don't stop your famous coffee stops". Before Josh get to work, he always make coffee stop for all of us, so we nicked him coffee boy, Natalie is called Madam, because she always last to arrive and I am pretty woman, for my dressing.

So after leaving work, I made a quick pit stop at the Shoprite near my house, as I entered and bump into someone, definitely not my lucky day....

Author note:

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