Dear Diary:

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Zubaida in stilettos
Diary entry
Dear Booboo

You won't believe what happened today, I got a huge business contract, but guess who I have to deal with, some idiot! I mean he can't tell a difference even if it hit him in the face. He didn't even know what I was saying, it a simply standard contract, but to him it like a maize or is written in greek.

And to add insult to injury, he called in help, someone he claims he can trust, and guess who it was! Yes, none another than mr snorer, Zuhayr. But fornately he turned out to be a great help, he really knew the ins and outs of the business world, I was even impressed. He explained and with no surprise all the sudden it back in english for the idiot.

After getting the contract written out and signed, I could finally leave, but guess what, my car won't switch on, and bad luck just keeps coming, and my phone battery died. I was about to go back in to ask to phone someone to come help when Zuhayr walks out. He seems happy, he actually had a smile on his face, which produces the cutest dimples on his cheeks ever. I think I was distracted by the light,not by him when I bumped into the wall, which of course landed me on my bum

Zuhayr being the witness to my accident, offered a hand, but not without bursting out laughing at my expense. I guess it would be hilarious if it wasn't for me being the doofus. Anyways I accepted and he helped me up, he was really sweet and walk me to the car. Which I had to awkwardly explain, that it won't start, he asked for the keys to try, which I saw no harm,since it wasn't working.

Guess what?! It didn't work, proving my point, but guess who think he knows what wrong, saying it the battery, because I properly left my lights on, which turns out to be true, guess he very observant! I can't help being unfocused, I did have a long and tiring day.

But atlest he was decent and help me out,it really was sweet actually , he even drop me off after taking my car to the garage. Maybe he isn't such a bad guy. Until he says " oh and before you go, remember to watch where you going" he say and laughs while driving away. I am not to be blamed, the light anD my damn shoE are at fault.

Well anywayss sweetdream booboo

Lots of love

Author note:
Wasn't edited, apologies for errors
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