Chapter 49: Revelations

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Zubaida in stilettos
Tennis day at Zubaida's workplace and there's a new co-partner.

Chapter 49:

Zubaida P.O.V:

I was still little winded and confused at what happened,one minute I'm tripping and the next mystery guy answered my phone,the nerve. Before he could answer I grabbed the phone back

Me: hello
Zuhayr: hey Zubaida, it's Zuhayr, uhm who was that?
Me: a co-worker, sorry I can't speak right now, can I phone you later?
Zuhayr: uhm sure bye

After cutting, I decided to get changed and enjoy the day and at all cost avoid mister co-partner. Ugh why did I have to get stuck with that idiot, guess who got picked to be on my team, yes mystery guy.

Me: since we partners, I think we should properly introduce each other, I'm Zubaida, and you are?

Asad: I'm Asad Abdoola, I know who you are, promising lawyer (smirks)

Me: well mr Abdoola I hope you brought your A game, I don't like loosing.

Asad: well don't have to worry about me, I'm a pro (winking) if you like I could teach you?

Me: no thanks

After an intense match we ended up winning, It wasn't too hard, no one was taking it serious like us. Soon we were all chatting and enjoying the food set out.

Asad: so besides being clumsy, you a good tennis player, you enjoy challenges and you hot (smirk)

Me: (blushing) competitive really, as for being hot thanks, my boyfriend would agree( yeP I would loose my mables again, well atlest not my voice and brains)

Asad: Aah the imfamous Zuhayr, the dude from the phone, well I would like to meet him (big smile) a double date perhaps?

Me:( dumbfolded, I mean come on, you just flirted with me, now you want to be friends) uhm I will see when he's available, he's a very busy man

Asad: I'm sure he won't mind one dinner for his girlfriend, anyways nice meeting you

Me: yeah same here

One of the most surprising experinces, even though I held it well today, I am still pretty mix-up about Asad, I'm sure he's a big flirt and probably does it to everyone, but he seems to get under my skin! And it's frustrating. It's not only his looks that caught me offguard it's his eyes. I mean he got the most gorgoues blue eyes I had ever seen...

Ugh I'm thinking about him again, after a quick shower, I decided to phone Zuhayr and find out what he called about.

Me: hey Zu

Zuhayr: hey how are you?

Me: I'm fine thanks and you? I won the match

Zuhayr: that's great, I'm okay...

Me: you wanted something earlier, sorry about Asad, my co-worker, before I could get it he answered...and than there was the match that's why I cut the call

Zuhayr: Asad Abdoola? And yeah something about work, legal advice uhm can we meet tomorrow for coffee?

Me: Uhm yeah that's him, sure at 8, near my workplace?

Zuhayr: perfect, and for Asad stay away, he has a reputation of being to friendly

He almost sounded possessive there, if he only knew what went on in my mind, I wasn't exactly being friendly..ugh my wayward thoughts!

Husnaa P.O.V:

I decided it's time that Moe met up with Irfaan, so I told them both to come over for some foodies and games

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