Chapter 12: Zuhayr snores

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Zubaida in stilettos


Zuhayr and Zubaida are preparing for their Cape Town weekend.

Chapter 12:

Zeenat P.O.V:

Cape Town the city of many historical significance, and I got a feeling a new beginning for Zubaida as well, I just hope she get over her break up with Yusuf, she deserves someone way better. As soon as we arrived we booked into our hotel room and go down to the lobby to meet the guys.

Me: Hey where are the guys? Aren't they booked in the same place?

Zubaida: I don't know maybe they still settling in, let's get a coffee while we wait

Me: Okay why don't you wait here while I order us the coffee, and if you see them, bring them.

As I am entering the coffee shop, someone hugs me from behind. "Hey... Oh you here already!" I said excitedly, it is Shuaib, "Hey me sexy lady, we were on the same plane remember, and guess what we booked in the same hotel" he said, "Really?!that's great, we get to see each other more often, but how did you know we booked at this hotel" I said, " Well let's just say it faith, I didn't know where Zuhayr booked, he in charge of everything, and he like this hotel" he says, "Zubaida like it here too, seem like they have something in common" I said, " Similar taste and same fire, we definitely going to see fireworks, just take the flight incident for example" he says.

On the flight:

Zubaida P.O.V:

OMW! I'm next to Zuhayr, and just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, when he sleep, he snores! , I mean I know he not doing it on purpose but I will not survive this flight with his annoying snoring, so I thought I would use kindness to avoid telling him the truth...I should've rather went with the truth:

Me: Uhm excuse me, are you going Cape Town for work or pleasure?

Zuhayr: Holiday, but I don't see how that concern you, let me guess, you won a free trip or mommy and daddy paid for this trip (in a sarcastic tone)

Me: Woah, I'm just making conversation, don't need to be rude, gosh no manners

Zuhayr: I got no manners, who is the one that interrupted my sleep, if you don't understand by now, I am sleeping to avoid talking

Me: Fine sleep away, not that you can maintain a decent conversation anyways, but please keep the snores down, they are other who don't appreciate the noise!

Zuhayr: You the one to talk, don't put it on me, you started it...argg miss is there any other place I could seat, I'm uncomfortable here

Me: the audacity, actually miss I want another place, anywhere would be better than sitting next to him

Airhostess: Sorry mam and sir, there no other seats, and can you please buckle up we about to land, it will be over soon

Whaat! We almost landing, I didn't feel it, and from Zeenat face, she reading too much into my argument with Zuhayr. I bet I am going to hear about it when we get to the hotel

Author note;

Lol seem like they have a spark for agreeing, wonder what Zubaida will do when she finds out that they staying in the same hotel.

Thanks for all the support, once again apologises for errors

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Jummah Mubrk To All my reader, have great weekend!

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