Chapter 37: Butterflies

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Zubaida in stilettos:
Zuhayr treated Zubaida to a romantic date on a yacht.

Chapter 37:

Zubaida P.O.V:

Me: you know I don't want anymore surprises, tonight is already magical

Zuhayr: just one stop promise(smirk)

Me: oh okayy but better be quick, my parents won't like it if I'm home late

So after a few minutes more we arrived...


His flat....

Me: what are we doing here?

Zuhayr: well I kind of promised my mom I would give her a chance to congratulate you on your case(sheepishly)

Me: aww you such a softie who would've known!

So after we went in and greeted his mom and husnaa, his mother asked us into the kitchen

On the table is a cake, and on it says congrats on a win,well deserved!

Me: aww jazakaAllah so much, that's really so sweet

Hunsaa: I helped her...well I put the smarties(she say lop side grin)

Me: well it's wonderful thanks

Zuhayr mom: well come on I will wrap it up and you can have it nicely at home with the family

Me: or we could have it now, I don't mind

So after getting the plates from the cupboard husnaa, joined us in cutting my cake, Zuhayr kept taking pictures of us, even posing in some.

Truly an amazing night, she wrapped up the leftovers for my parents and sister, and we headed home

Me: I had a wonderful night, thank you

Zuhayr: I enjoyed it as well, I look forward to seeing more of that moves(winking)

Husnaa P.O.V:

It's a day after Zuhayr's awesome date with Zubaida, it gave me hope my night with cassim should go well, so after getting dressed in my prettiest top and light fade purple jeans, and little make-up, and my all purpose pumps, I was ready.

He fetched me at 6, and we went to Kfc, I ordered a twister and he had the zinger meal, after chatting for little while, I saw he kept looking at his watch..

Me: uhm are you waiting for someone?

Cassim: uhmm yeah kind of, I asked a friend over, I hope you don't mind, we kind of made plans for today and I completely forgot when I made plans with you, so I just invited him along(apologictic smile)

Me: It's not a problem, so who is it?

Cassim: Irfaan

Me: oh( oh no I havnt seen him since the whole raisa thing!)

Cassim: he doesn't seem to he will give us our space

Me: okay

He entered with this outrageous look on his face, he actually wore a goofy face! I know some girls find it adorable..I do as well..but to come like that into a takeout..just felt wrong..ugh..

Irfaan: hey guys, I see the date already started(winking at cassim)

Cassim: hey dude, you remember Husnaa

Irfaan: yeah hey(smiled)

Husnaa:(be calm, act natural) hi, so I heared you joining us, grab a chair

He got a chair and joined, we got a long I guess, I never been in a situation like this, but seemed to go well

Than cassim excused himself to go to the bathroom and said we leave for movies after

Irfaan: so you and cassim?that's nice

Husnaa: yeah, he asked for a favour, and than asked I said yes

Irfaan: okay, that's cool

Husnaa: sorry about you and raisa...what you did was really nice

Irfaan: yeah well not all guys are big bad wolfs

Husnaa: guess not

Irfaan: soo what movie are we seeing?

Husnaa: no idea, we didn't actually check

Irfaan: well knowing cassim, he will proberly watch a horror

Oh shit, I hate horrors..I get easily scared...

Irfaan: from that I'm figuring you not into them..

Husnaa: nope...

Irfaan: it's cool, I will convince him to watch a comedy

So after getting to the movies, we bought our tickets, when all of the sudden,Cassim got sick, his tummy running, we all were going to leave, but he insisted me and irfaan watch the movie, doesn't want us to miss out because of his sick stomach

So he left and it was just the two of us...

Irfaan: he did that on purpose

Husnaa: what?! Why?

Irfaan: he didn't want to watch the don't worry, he's fine, would you like popcorn

Husnaa: ofcouse, salt and vinegar please

Irfaan: coming right up, coke or sprite?

Husnaa: coke(blush he remembered)

We set in silence while we watched the movie, but there was this really sad scene, when I sortof grabbed his hand, he didn't mind and just held it..

That was the most romantic gesture, I ever experinced..I know it's lame....but it gave me butterflies.

What am I going to do! He's cassim's friend...I don't want another raisa issue!

Author note:

Tweet @ShyPopz
Instagram: zubaidainstilettos

Lots of love
Zubaida in stilettos

P.S what were your thoughts of Zuhayr's surprise?

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