Chapter 52: Trouble in Paradise

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Zubaida in stilettos

Lots of drama, Husnaa can't ask Moe about his past and Zeenat getting wedding jitters

Chapter 52:

Husnaa P.O.V:

Moe...Poor guy...

Okay, his parents are divorced and his father remarried, but what we didn't know is, before he got divorced he had an affair with someone he only met once. Let's just say that led to a new step brother.

Upon arriving at Moe's place, I bumped into his step brother older brother , apparently he found out about his mother's affair and wanted to track the man who left his mother in tears. Turnout she only knew Moe's mother's name!

So ofcause this opened up old wounds for the family, I didn't stay long because it should be dealt with family only but Moe insisted I stayed. He needed my support so I stayed.

Moe: I can't believe this, we just got over all this shit and now this happens, Husnaa I truly can't deal with any more problems

He looks totally devastated, and it hit me like a brick. My friend has so much going on in his life and all I ever did was add to it. I felt so guilty. He's been there for me and never once asked for anything. I made a promise that I will do whatever it takes to help him through this.

Me: hey listen,you one of the strongest guys I know, and although this isn't the best of situations, but think of this, you got another brother! He might not be born from normal circumstances, but it's not his fault, so accept him and accept this's not going to be easy, and there will be a time it's going to be tough but hey it's worth it in the end, a little boy need to know that no matter what, he got people he can count on!

Moe: since when did you become so smart, thanks...

Me: uhm listen I'm gonna call him in, just talk okay, don't bring up parents, family issues, just normal guy stuff okay?

Moe: okay

So after arranging a meeting between the two brothers, the little guys older brother was busy talking to Moe's mom, he seems like a good guy since he was talking with respect, but what he did when he looked at me, took me for a shocker

He winked at me! I mean an actual wink, okay I know it's like normal and shouldnt be a big deal! But it's obvious he's a player! I mean he doesn't even know who I am!

Zubaida P.O.V:

Problem solving weekend went uhm well... I think

Okay so I totally shocked Zeenat about that whole Asad story, I mean she actually a little disappointed in me that she completely forgot her own worries, I mean her stuff are just normal jitters but somehow it felt worse on the phone, so when she like shoved it aside to deal with me, I realized she just trying to get attention off of her...

Me: Zee I'm sorry okay it not like I acted on any of the feelings! I just...I just couldn't help myself! I mean if you saw him, you would agree!

Zeenat: I saw him!

Me: uhm you did? When?

Zeenat: Unlike you I am up to date with the lastest celeb news if you must know and his made quite a stir, but I would never think of him like that, his averge compared to my Shuaib!

Me: Well meeting him in person is way different you know!

Zeenat: guess we can test that!

Me: huh? What do you mean?

Zeenat: his right there! Let's go greet

Me: what! No zeenat!

Ugh that child! She actually went over! So I had no choice but to go over too

Me: hi

Asad: hey Zubaida, it's nice seeing you again (smirk) we made a good team

Me: (blushing) I uhm yeah good team

Zeenat: She was just telling me about your new purchase, this must be a good reason to celebrate I imagine

Asad: yes it is, would you ladies like to join me, there's a party tonight I can get you passes if you like?

Me: no thanks we have plans

Zeenat: that's sweet but like Zubaida says we have plans, we got to go, was lovely meeting you

Asad: same here, bye Zeenat, see you later Zubaida(winking)

I just stood there shocked, lucky Zeenat grabed my hand and dragged me away, in my disfunctional mind I felt little guilty, it just can't make up it's mind who it likes!

Zeenat: I was afraid of this, Zubaida

Me: huh..afraid of what?

Zeenat: it's obvious you got a crush on the guy! I mean I could sense it from the minute you laid eyes on him, you need to get over it or you will lose Zuhayr

Me: I..uhm I just don't know Zee, I love Zuhayr but I don't get it why am I so flustered with Asad

Zeenat: I guess it's many reasons, but it's up to you to find out which one is the main cause, and choose carefully.

Me: okay soo what's the deal with you! And don't say nothing, it's not just jitters is it?

Zeenat: noo...I'm scared

Me: about?

Zeenat: this is my first serious relationship and...I guess it's just going so fast...I mean marriage is a huge I ready, the responsibilities and it's just a lot on my mind!

Me: woah chill chika! I got to ask before you answered, did you read istikhara namaaz right?

Zeenat: Yeah I did, my mother made sure...and it was positive feeling...but still...

Me: do you love Shuaib?

Zeenat: ofcouse, I love him a lot!

Me: there's your answer

A look of understanding appeared over her face, she started smilling

So with that she packs up and goes home to her sweetheart, she's so lucky...while here I am sitting all alone with my stupid lonely thoughts

Asad: what a pretty lady like yourself sitting alone, where's Zeenat?

Me: she left me to fend for myself...engagement stuff

Asad: aah she engaged how lovely...So can I join you?

Me: I..uhm okay

Asad: so I'm sorry if I was presumptious, with the invitation...

Me: it's fine...uhm yeah I got to go..need to pack

Asad: don't leave, just one drink please

Me: uh...okay

It seem rude to leave...what harm can one drink cause right

So he ordered us two fruit juices and we sat down in one of the tables near the pool, we talked a little...He's really nice if you exclude all the flirtly comments he tried pulling

Me: I have a boyfriend

Asad: and I have girlfriend, another thing in commin

Me: I love him...

That's when it hit me! I do love Zuhayr! He's been such a breath of fresh air, I couldn't think of life without him

Me: I'm sorry I really got to go

When I got up to leave, I see Zuhayr standing near the exit, he looked furious and just leaves!

Me: Zuhayr! Wait!

But he disappeared, I couldn't find him, I tried his phone and asked around but nothing!

Oh no! What did I do!

Author Note:

Excitement about to unfold! Next Year will starT of with a Big Bang! So do stay Tuned!

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Zubaida in stilettos

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