Chapter 6: The Big Date

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Zubaida in stilettos


Zuhayr youngest sister was introduced, and Shuaib and Zuhayr plans for Cape Town was altered, thanks to two extra people coming along. Zubaida bumps into Yusuf but get save from talking to him, thanks to Zeenat telling her about her date with Shuaib.

Chapter 6:

Shuaib P.O.V:

Waking up to smell of hot coffee and delicious syrup waffles, just the way I like it. "Salaam sis, what bring my loveable sibling so early to my flat and cook this yummy licious breakfast not that am complaining, it is a king meal" I say sheepishly, "well my dear brother it your birthday, so I thought I would treat you to filling breakfast and give you an early gift" she says, "Wow my birthday, cannot believe I forgot it today!, okay so what my gift"," close those eyes", "Killing me here, but fine if it would make you hurry up" I said and closed my eyes, I felt a piece of paper slip into my hand. "It a number?" I said confused, "Well it Zeenat number, a friend of mines is a cousin of hers, so do you love your present?" she looks at me," I love it thanks sis, I will phone her right now!" I said, " whoa, hold your horses young man, it still early don't want to wake the poor girl up, plus don't you want some details about her, plus her number not your real gift, mom and dad got it, we all helped choose it and paid for it, so better be home for mom afternoon tea" she says, " I do, but leave it for later, otherwise I will run late for work again, thanks for breakfast and her number, tell mom I will pop in later" I said, after finish up the last pit on my plate, I rushed up to fetch my workbag, it held all my cameras and equipment, after all I am a professional photographer for the local newspaper, but I do some freelance work as well.

Entering the office building, loud cheers of "happy birthday" erupted. All the ladies winked at me and all my male colleagues either shake my hand or pat on the back. So after slaving away behind my computer, I decided to take my lunch break and head home, So arriving at the parental house, and forced into groups of hugs and kisses, everyone wished me a happy birthday, and in the middle is my cake in the shape of a yacht I wanted for so long, I looked at my sister and knew she is behind it, she is the artistic one, a baker, she owns her own bakery. So I mouthed a thanks to her and she winked back. " Well happy birthday son, it every father dream to see his son grow up, and on each birthday rejoice and make dua to Allah to grant you a longer life, Insha'Allah" said my dad, " aw thanks dad" I said, after hugs and few word of wisdom and the same marriage mantra, I finally made it to my mother, " happy birthday sweetie, I agree with what your father said, but also I am extremely proud of all your success as I'm sure all of us feel the same, so for the past year we all been saving to buy you're the best gift. Here the keys to your very own yacht, appreciate it and May Allah grant you're the heart and brains and long life, and have you fulfil a wish of us getting grandbabies" she says with tears in her eyes. I am in shock, my very own yacht, and there been saving a whole year for it, my family is the best. So I hugged my mother and whispered, "Aameen, maybe your wish will come true, just keep making dua, and I will appreciate it, jazak'Allah so much, I love you", and thanked everyone personally. So after leaving mum house, I quickly dial Zeenat number, I saved it on my phone. "Hello who this" she says, "Salaam, I don't know if you remember but I'm Shuaib, we met at Musgrave" I said," OMW! How did you get my number this quick?" she says," Cleary the grapevine of our family is health, my sister got it for me... I hope you don't mind, I really liked meeting you"," It's okay, I actually knew you would phone, I liked meeting you too, so how are you today?"," How?...err never mind I am great, it my birthday, I kind of actually forgot, thankfully ,my sister reminded me"," lol how can you forget your own birthday, Happy birthday, so how old are you now"." I am old enough, how would like to rather get to know each other better over supper on my birthday present"," Are you asking me out on a date?", " Yes I am Mam, It will be a night to remember I promise"," Well since you ask so nicely, why not... but one question your gift isn't a motorbike"," NoPe, it a yacht" I say, popping the p in nope," A yacht, that's amazing, I cannot wait, see you tonight, which pier should I met you at?"," what kind of person would I be if I let you come in your own car, just sms me your address and I will pick you up, and if you afraid of your parents, I don't mind meeting them to assure they daughter safe with me"," okay fine, I will, I got to go, the boss is calling see you tonight, and be prepared for inquisition, my dad is the reason the invented the saying," Bullet don't kill, it father with pretty daughters"." I will try my level best to impress them, I wasn't award peacekeeper in third grade for nothing"

Zeenat P.O.V:

After I cut the call, I decided to take work home, I couldn't concentrate on anything but tonight date, I will knock him for sixer. So after leaving work, I quickly phone Zubaida to tell her what happened. So after that I dutifully informed my parents of Shuaib and to be honest they taken it well and promised to behave. So I rushed upstairs to get ready...I still needed decide what to wear, so after searching my closet for half an hour I decided on my simple dark blue dress and black belt, studded earrings, my super sexy black killer heels and a simple black cardigan. After ironing my hair straight and just putting a touch of make-up and little gloss, I am ready for my date, who from the sound of it arrived. So quickly spraying my favourite perfume, I rush down to see my dad and Shuaib laughing away like old buddies.

"You didn't tell me Shuaib is a soccer fan, we got a lot in common, his father is a sport rep, he getting us ticket to the next match at the stadium" my father said, he clearly is Shuaib right hand man, boys and their sports, and from my mother rosy cheeks and bunch of flowers and chocolates, he also won my mother over. He certainly a charmer. "Oh darling, he bought your favourite chocolates, and a sweet bunch of flowers for me, why don't you save the poor boy before you father drags him to watch a recorded match"," Right, well we got to go don't want to waste precious time, ciao Salaam ma and pa" I said and rushed him out, after getting into his Jeep," you look amazing tonight, I hope I didn't overdo it with your parents, they just so approachable, and your father is funny guy" he says, " Well this is a first anyone like my dad, you certain won them over" I said," and you?"," Smitten the moment I laid eyes on you in that suit, blue ties is perfect" I say shyly," Well since the first night I saw you, sealed the deal for me"," what deal?", " I will explain that later, after you my lady" he says ushering me into the yacht, it is breath taking, spotless and the view of the harbour is gorgeous, even the stars are out. So after a slow dance on deck with his new surround sound, and delicious burgers and chips from KFC( my kind of meal, I am so glad he didn't waste time with fancy foods} and stroll on deck. "To answer your question back there, I know it sound like a total lame answer, but I really like you and what am trying to say is will you be my girlfriend, I want to get to know you better, spend all my free time making memories together and hopefully if our feeling grow, we will maybe make it permanent" he said, I am stunned, but it is perfect, "Yes I would love to go out with you" I said.

Author Note

Zubaida will be back, and don't you think these cuties are adorable! And I do apologies for any spelling or grammar errors, it still not edited. Thanks for support

Lot of love

Zubaida in stilettos

Zubeida in stilettosWhere stories live. Discover now