Dear Diary:

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  Zubaida in stilettos
Dear Booboo
I cannot believe what just happened! I had fun with Mr grumpy pants
Guess what we did, we had a race, in the pool, once he let his hair down he can be very fun, and a big cheat! He ended up bumping into me, and he literally started a water fight with me, this cause the competition to end and he calls it a draw afterwards, I mean I was winning! He made up for it with a free lunch at his favourite restaurant, it served the yummiest foot long roll, called gaspi. I definitely come here again when I am in Cape Town.
We shared many stories, including our high school career, I couldn't believe when he said he was an average student, he only bucked up and work hard was in his final year, he proved to be worth it and he got into an exclusive university, he studied oversees, he got homesick and got a job in Durban, and since then never left. I am what you called a troublemaker, and told him of all the incidents, including the one time when I let the frogs go from our science lab, those poor creature, wasn't my fault that they don't lock the room during break, I did get into trouble and did community serve by running the green recycle campaign, honestly it wasn't that bad, it helped when I was applying, so guess it worked out in the end.
After we had lunch, I told him although I have been to Cape Town so many time, I never went up Table Mountain, so he offered to take me, so we went and it the most amazing sight I have ever seen, I can't believe the view, it breath taking. He brought us ice cream and went for a drive along the beach.
I must say his driving skills are amazing, he drove fast but I didn't feel it, and he knows how to handle a car, he had such control. It amazing how a few hours spent in each other company can change your opinion on someone. He is great company, we hardly know how time passed, we almost didn't make it in time for supper
And the supper what an adventure, we literally had a whole sitting of 20 people, thanks to Husnaa and Irfaan friends joining. The conversation just flowed, no one is left out. That when I noticed, Zeenat and Shuaib weren't here.
Wonder what happened...definitely quizzing zee at breakfast, since she only got back after 12.
Anyways night night
Lot of love
P.S did I mention, I am totally loving this holiday.  

Zubeida in stilettosWhere stories live. Discover now