Chapter 32.2: Amaani Wedding

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Zubaida in stilettos

Chapter 32: Part 2
Amaani's Wedding

Zubaida P.O.V:

I need a perfect outfit! It got to be breathtaking yet modest enough not to outshine the bride, it is my first public appreance with Zuhayr, and I want everything to be perfect, So Zeenat and I spent the entire night, making sure I got a dress, shoes and the perfect clutch bag.

After saying yes to Zuhayr, I wanted to make this a memorable night. After showering, getting dressed and doing my make-up and hair, I was ready. He said he would pick me up at 6:30, and it's only 6:25,wonder if he will be here on time or little late.

( Hearing a car hooting)

And I checked if it's Zuhayr, it wasn't him that hooted, but guess what, he's parked outside...why didn't he come knock or hoot...

So I went over and knocked on the window

Me: heyy

Zuhayr: Oh Zubaida...You..uhmm...look breathtaking...I always do...uhm but yeah very beautiful

Me:*blushing* thanks, I really wanted to look nice

Zuhayr: well you exceeded yourself

Me: it's..not too much right? (Feeling little nervous, I mean he's just sitting there)

Zuhayr: No..No it's perfect..where are my manners

He came out and placed a small kiss on my cheeks and walked me over to the passenger doors and opens it for me(aw what a gentleman)

Zuhayr: Sorry I didn't hoot, I wanted to give you time, I didn't know when you would be ready, so I waited.

Me: yeah, luckly the neighbours son hooted, that's when I saw your car.

Zuhayr: well let's go..they would be wondering where we are...I mean if you got everything

Me: Sure, let's go

The hall is amazing, the gorgoues decor consist of royal blue, silver and red roses, it's theme is based on romance and starlight. The tables each had a tall silver vase with the roses, and little candles. And as for the food, it's total indian cusine, so mouthwatering.

Than the bride, she looked simply stunning, she is really naturally pretty. She walked in with her father, and from his face you could see how proud he is. After walking down her rose petal path, she reached her stage, as she set she was surrounded by family and friends who wanted to talk and share in some photos. She clearly is a very loved person.

Than I got a bbm message:

Zuhayr: Hey just checking to see if my mother and sister aren't troubling?

Me: No they been very sweet, lol no need to worry, I can hold my own

Zuhayr: She really makes a beautiful bride, I am really happy for her...thanks for coming with me

Me: she does, it's nothing

What I wasn't smiling...Oh his joking..which actually made me smile..stupid

Me: if that's your way of complimenting, it's sucky :p gotta train you(rolling eye)

Zuhayr: oh sorry madam, I am at your service

After supper was served, we all settle down for chatter, tea and cakes! OMG her dessert table is full of so many goodies..Mmm what to choose

Amaani: Salaams Zubaida

Me: Amaani, you make a beautiful bride

Amaani: thanks, and thanks for teary) good to know there's someone for him..his..his a great guy..don't ever break his heart...

Me: hey don't cry, don't spoil a happy day, he forgives you, he wanted to come..he really does wish you all the best

Amaani: Really?(Teary smile)

Zuhayr: Yes, I do, I wish you and Ahmed(Amaani husband) all the best

Amaani: Thanks, and I'm really sorry for all I put you through...

Zuhayr: hey that's water under the bridge, now stop that teary eyes, come on it's your wedding, I want only smiles

Amaani: thank you for bringing your mom and sisters

Than she left to greet the family and got back on to the stage after a quick make-up check.

Me: that's really sweet

Zuhayr: it really wasn't, she deserve happiness, and I know now she wasn't the one for me, thanks to you

Me: Me, but how?I didn't do a thing

Zuhayr: hey calm , I am just saying that after meeting you, it just made letting go of my past easier

Me: okay

Husnaa: Hey what's going on, having a private conversation hehe

Me: come on husnaa, can't leave your mom alone, talk later okay

Husnaa: but I want to talk to my brother..

Me: no leave the poor guy alone

Husnaa: Okaayy soo notice the talent..

Me: oh husnaa, come I show you real talent(winking)

Husnaa: okayy show me! Show me!

We both walk over to the dessert table, and we begin to discuss about all the cute boys, it was fun just being silly and even troubling some cousins of amaani's.

Husnaa: So did you have fun?

Me: Yep, I had a lovely time

So after an awesome night at Amaani's wedding, Zuhayr dropped me off, and being the gentleman, he walked me to my door.

Me: Thanks for tonight I had fun

Zuhayr: I shoud be thanking you, lol and I saw how much fun you had, epecially with that Zayaan fellow

Me: You saw that! We..I mean it nothing, just a game between me and Husnaa

Zuhayr: I know(laughing) she told me..but he seems to really like you

Me: what not to like (winking)

Zuhayr: true, sweetdreams doll(winking)

What an amazing night..I cannot wait to tell Zeenat!

On the other side of town, someone wasn't having a such good night...

Author Note:

Wonder who it could be

Appreciate all the supporT aNd I'm hapPy to be back

P.S follow me on Twitter @ShyPopz
And instagram @ zubaida in stilettos

Lots of love

Zubaida in stilettos

ANd thanks to all who gave some colour ideas for Amaani wedding *hugs*

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