Chapter 69: New Business Venture

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Zubaida in stilettos


Zeenat and Shuaib fight.

Chapter 69:

Zubaida P.O.V:

My wedding plans are in full swing, from bridal shopping to getting my hall booked. It felt like I hardly touch ground, even though I am going for simple wedding, the amount of planning is still the same. With all my wedding stress and work issues, I hardly see Zuhayr. Plus now that
Zeenat is contemplating returning to the working world, our girl time is limited to phone calls and once a week visits.

I guess being a working mother has it peaks and challenges. I wish I could lessen the burden, but with planning a wedding and work, I hardly have time for chitchat with my own mother!

Guessing my color scheme shouldn't be too hard, since my sexy fiance decided on black tux with green tie, yes you guess right, it mint green, silver and white. Brilliant if I say so! I am turning into such a girly girl.
Guess the woman in me decided to appear.

Daydreaming at work, not such a good idea, especially when your boss is on the prowl.

Mr Hendrix (current boss) : Morning Miss Adam!

Me; (awoken with a freight) oh! Good morning sir

Mr H: I notice that you work has been a tad, unprepared, I hope that this doesn't mean personal issues are coming to work?

Me: Oh sir, I can assure you there no such thi- I am always on time sir

Mr H: Well Miss, why don't we discuss this in private, in the boardroom where we will not be disturb.

Me: certainly (nervous)

Arriving at the boardroom, opening it I was greeted and surprised to find my dear colleagues plan a surprise party!

Mr H: Miss Adam, You are a valuable member of our team, we couldn't just let the joyous occasion of your impending marriage go unnoticed.

Also we decided after being well establish with us, and clients like you, we considering you for position in top management, this is great honor, so please to us proud. (Big smile)

Me: (teary) Thank You sir, it's been such a great pleasure working alongside you, this past two years, and I will do our firm proud.

After indulging myself in some delicious cakes, and cookies with tea. I am well fed, that as soon as I arrive home, I just have quick bath and take an early night.

Next Morning:

I open my eyes to the cutest sights ever! A room filled with the most beautiful arrangement of flowers, and smell of coffee and breakfast!

My darling Zuhayr decided to spoil me. He even got my mother to make early morning breakfast and bring it to my room, she made all my favorites.

Zuhayr P.O.V:

Shuaib decide to meet up for early morning breakfast, apparently things at home are little tense. Especially with the added responsibility of a baby. I feel for the man, he need a lot of patience luckily he an all-around good guy. I don't know how I would cope, I can't even think of children at the moment.

After planning my morning surprise of Zubaida, I quickly order a coffee and wait for Shuaib.

Me: hey man!

Shuaib: (tired yawn) hey, listen I need some advice

Me: shoot, I am listening

Shuaib: remember how I told you, I am considering opening my own business, well I think it perfect time, I mean I will be able to look after Yusrah during some morning, allowing for Zee to work, thinking she be happy at the aspect, but nope she got work up! I know it risk and all but she won't see reason.

Me: well maybe it because Yusrah is still young, and you will be so consumed, how will you be able to pay attention, and also what about money, open a business is risky and costly as well...

Shuaib: I know Zu, but she could've a little more faith in me, I got a couple of lucrative investments, plus I am saving up since I was 16. My finance are in order, plus I got plans, business proposal, I am confident I will make a success, sure I know failure will be faced, but I am willing to take it up. I'm thinking for my family.

Me: I get it bro, I support you, perhaps you should take it one day at the time, and explain it to Zee, I'm sure she won't be completely unreasonable.

Shuaib: Yeah I will, thank for listening, back to the grind!

Me: Yeah, Don't fret too much, all will work out. Just takes time

A few hours later....

Zeenat P.O.V:

It Tuesday...or is it Wednesday? To be honest I really don't follow anymore, it feel like weekend every day since I am on maternity leave. Yusrah demands are more, but somehow less frightening than before. First week
when she was born, I couldn't even think of bathing her let alone looking after her myself

I love being her mother, Yusrah is such a delight, she bubbly and active.
Motherhood has such proud moments like when Yusrah first smile, or when she cries to let me know her nappy wet....Aahh the days of early baby moments. I know most people find it ridicules to take photos of their babies, but I am just too excited and snap away. I already got enough for her own album.

Thankfully my creative genes are kicking off, and it kept me sane, while my angel nap away. But I can't wait to start working again, my boss is being so supportive and offer to give me some projects where I can work from home. So Shuaib and I are taking turns to look after Yusrah we didn't want to depend on others. And Yusrah still too young.

But this morning Shuaib and I had disagreement, it's still early in our marriage to go through a huge change. I mean opening a business is hectic, I still would like to enjoy having my husband before his work become his world. I know it his dream, but we just started a family, we need time to adjust.

I am not being unreasonable?

Author note:

Amazing response to the previous discussion, it warm my heart that so many can relate or understand our Zeenat situation, and for those who aren't parent don't disperse, Zubaida romance is still blooming. A special shout out to all those that responded.

The awesome surprise to those that did, is a chance to ask me questions about my blog, any related question, so please do email at

The following has a warm shout out:


Thank you sweeties so much

Lot of love


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