Chapter 5: Introducing Husnaa

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Zubaida in stilettos


Raising to the excitement of a new day, Zubaida goes to work, but instead of normal day, chaos erupted and her team had to do some quick thinking research.

Chapter 5:

Zuhayr P.O.V:

After an early morning swim, I decided to hit the shower and go down for breakfast. "Salaam mom where is that naughty rascal, Husnaa, isn't it time for school?"," Wslmz, she already left, she waited for you but her transport arrived so she left, but said to remind you, they having career day, so she coming out early and must pick her up", "I won't she forgot she even put a reminder on my phone", "And somehow you still forgot" said my mother.

So after breakfast, I went to the office, nothing could keep me away from doing my best, I worked hard to get where I am, I am determined to keep my family stable and provide for them. Meaning no distractions, no matter what shape or person it comes in.

So after a meeting with CEO of Corporation, my phones rings, reminding me about picking my sister. So only taking my lunch break now, I leave to fetch her at her school, Rhode High, she is in grade 11, so once she in the car the following conversation occurs:

Me: So how is school going?

Husnaa: the same, nothing exciting, but there this expo for young doctors coming soon, I want to attend, but it in Cape Town....

Me: Is that a hint, you know if you want something, all you need to do is ask

Husnaa: okay you caught me, please pleasssse can I go! All my friends are going! Plus it for school

Me: When is it?

Husnaa: Next week Saturday

Me: Well that prefect I'm flying down on that date, you can accompany me and will get the driver to drop and pick you up from there.

Husnaa: great, it cost R200, it includes meals and a hamper

Me: I knew there is a catch okay, ask mom and she will give it

So after dropping Husnaa, she as usually she complained I work too much and never spend time with her, but she the one sitting on her phone the whole time, can never argue anything with her. So after promising her a drive after work and ice cream she relented and let me go, so I rushed back and had straight back to back meetings.

"Hey Boss man, what the rush, got a hot chick waiting for you at home" said Shuaib, "You know better than anyone I am not interested in anyone, and what about you, found Zeenat" I asked him." OH yes I did, you know me I got contacts everywhere", "plus we got a date for tonight", so mister you all alone to as you please", well that a relief, but I do have a date with a certain lady, my sister, she literally blackmailed me into buying her ice cream", "you should be glad it ice cream, last time she got away with a new phone and R1000 worth of clothes, you a softie when it comes to her" said Shuaib. "She is one sneaky teen, she even coined a trip with me to Cape Town, sorry bud but we on Husnaa duty", "WHAAAT! Well guess today a good a day as any to tell you, I might bring someone along", "Who? Cannot be Zeenat, I mean it too soon for trips together", "No man, it my cousin from jozi, he attending some expo, so his mother ask us to keep an eye on him", "you don't mean Irfaan, his a wild card, and my sister also going for that expo", "guess that good than, they both can go together and leave us bachelors on our own for few hours, and I'm sure movies at the mall afterward will keep them calm", "aside from the fact, I don't trust that guy, plus my sister might have plans, all her friends are going, and plus I got a meeting", " aw come on it not like you will be in the broad room the whole day, and trust me I will keep Irfaan in order" he said. I was sceptical, but guess there no other way.

Zubaida P.O.V:

Guess who I just bump into, Yusuf, of all the shopper he is the one I run into, before the breakup, meeting him like this would cause butterflies, but today I just felt uncomfortable, just after saying our apologises my phone rings( save by the ring, didn't want to talk to him), "hello this is Zubaida speaking" I said, he takes the hint and leaves, "Hey babes, guess who got a hot date with her dream guy" says Zeenat excitedly, "Shuaib found you! When did this happen, I want all the details" I said, guess some people are lucky with love, "I don't have much time to talk, he just phoned, and I still got to go home to find the perfect outfit, he taking me on a boat! Just wanted you to know, I will give a full report tomorrow over lunch" she says, I could hear how excited she is, I am really happy for her, "deal" I said and let her cut to go and prepare, a boat, wow his going all out.

Author note:

I wonder how Shuaib got her number and how they date goes, keep eyes clued on for the next post.

Lot of Love

Zubaida in Stilettos

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