Amina Diary:

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Zubaida in stilettos

Amina's diary:
My name is Amina Moosa, I am 23 years old, with PHD in Drama. My mother and I both are con artist. We scam rich folks out of their hard earned money. My next victim is Shuaib Akoo, what a man....delicious!

His once perfect life is going to turn upside down, and also his duffer of an uncle. We were put in place to stop his marriage to his sweetheart Zeenat, and what a gullible fool she is, fighting for me. What a shame? It could have been done with little more drama.

Let just say once we set our sights on a victim, we never give up until we get what we want. Namely alimony money. We quite rich, with the three scams before this, but due to our extravagant lifestyle, one last one is needed.

We weren't always this rich, or smart. My mother was a dentist and earned peanuts, after my father left us with his debts, we couldn't even afford bread. My father being a rich man as he was, made us fools, him being the richest did care about us the little people, so we made it our mission to get even. With all my father associates, namely Shuaib's uncle.

My father is one of the wealthiest man, but he has a heart made of stone, His name is Rasheed Amod, He married my mom and had me, when he divorced her, left her with his huge amount of debt, all thanks to his "friends". My mother was devastated and couldn't deal with it, so I made it my life mission to cause pain to those that ruined my childhood!

Now with the wedding set, our plan is going smoothly, even Zubaida, that Zeenat friends is helping out. At first I found it weird but then I realized maybe she is just as blond as her best friend Zeenat. So I decided to be the sweetest bride to be. I never had practice it so it wasn't that difficult, studying drama has it perks, great acting skills for one.

Cheers to hitting the jackpot!

P.S I still feel the need to rub it into Zee's face...

I am not entirely heartless she can have him after I'm done with his family, shame he seems like a really nice guy, but I got my own problems, and life isn't all about roses and daisies.

Well that's all from me!


Drama Queen!

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