Chapter 58: Shocker!!

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Zubaida in stilettos

Pizza date with Zuhayr

Chapter 58:

Husnaa P.O.V:

Baam Baam Dof Dof...


It six in the morning and there's plenty of noise outside...what's going on?!

Me: Moooommmm!!!!

Mom: Jee Husnaa?

Me: what the hell is going on?! What's with all the noise?!

Mom: uhm ask Zuhayr...

Me: bhaaa!!( answer) bhaaa!!

Zuhayr: yes?

Me: why all this noise?

Zuhayr: I'm building a green house! Come on, I need your help!

Me: green house? At this hour? Why? And what have you done with my brother?!

Zuhayr: well guess who just got told I love you too!

Me: Zubaida said she loves you!!!!!(Scream!) Yippy! Wedding bells!

Zuhayr: woah breath, no wedding bells, we taking things slow!

Me: pfft like you guys gonna wait!! Eeep I'm getting a new sister!!!Mooooommm! Did you hear! They exchanged the "L" word!!

Mom: (shh) calm yourselve! Who said what to whom?!

Zuhayr: shut it Husnaa, now come help me!

( They said their love yous!!hehe too cute won't u agree)

Zeenat P.O.V:

Riingg! Riingg Rinng!

The annoying sound of a phone ringing, and who else would bother beside my dear bestie!

Me: hello (sleepy voice)

Zubaida: we said I love youss!!!

Me: huh!! What?! When?! Details?!

Zubaida: (laughing) coffee @ 9 at our favourite spot! Tell u everything! Don't be late!

I decided I couldn't go back to sleep, this was big newws! I quickly showered, gobbled up an apple and left to wait for my bestie!

As usual she beat me!

Me: uhg! How do you manage to make it before me?! I even left early!

Zubaida: it's a gift (winking) anyhowws!!! Remember your idea for getting to know each other, well it worked like a bomb!

Me: well I do have my brilliant moments(smile) soo deedz girl! I'm dying here!

Zubaida: okay so the evening went extremly well, I know a lot more about him, and as he was about to leave, he says he has a confession to make!

Me: and?!

Zubaida: he took my hand and turned it around and planted a small kiss on my palm, and looked up and said I LOVE YOU! And I ofcouse couldn't hold it back and said I love you too!!!

Me: Omgee! Aww isn't this totez adourable! Any more saucy details, I hope it all PG! (Winking)

Zubaida: Zeee! Let me finish! Well after we both just stared at each other for like 10 minutes before guess what! The sprinklers goes on(laughing) it sort of woke us up, but instead of going he asked me to dance, and we just had so much fun! (Dreamy eyes)

Me: Awwww so PG! Hehe I'm so happy for you doll! I knew you too would hit it off from day one!

After getting our daily dose of coffee we both chatted about our two amazing guys! How lucky are we to find our sweetheart at the same time!

Shuaib P.O.V:

Just whenI thought it's over, it starts again!

My uncle decided to invite " the one" to stay the weekend by us! I mean seriously that doesn't even make sense!

And add insult to injury he expect me to taxi around her and her mother! UgH! Why can't he just accept Zeenat! She's an amazing person and with such a sweet gold heart!

Me: where to? (Rolling eyes)

Amina ("the one") : oh uhm is there like a mall? (American accent)

So fake, I don't like people who pretend to be something they're not!

Me: sure, just give me a minute and I will meet you guys in the car

After escaping their eyes, I quickly phoned Zeenat and told her to meet me at gateway! I want her to meet someone!

Arriving at the biggest mall there is in Durban, this girl actually has the audacity to say it's small!

Taking them to Mugg and Bean, where my beautiful Fiance, who looked amazing! Waited for us.

Me: hey hun, I would like you to meet Amina and her mother Feroza, they from America and visiting us, and this is my lovely fiance Zeenat, the love of my life!

Amina and Aunty Feroza's mouth hung wide open, shocked at my openness, apparently my uncle didn't tell them I am engaged! This should prove to be interesting!

Zeenat: Slmz It's a pleasure to meet you guys, sorry about Mr grumpy pants, please do come and sit

Surprisingly they all got along, they had a quick chat while Zee took Amina to show her some shops while I sat with Aunty Feroza

Aunty Feroza: so you are engaged?

Me: yes to an amazing woman

Aunty Feroza: yes she is a lovely girl, unfornately I don't think you understand something...Your uncle promised us...your hand in marriage to save my family...I would hate to impose, but would you agree to a second marriage?

What?! Second marriage?! What's going on?! What trouble?!

Author note:

Tweet @ShyPopz
Instagram: MIZSATHAR

Lot of love

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