Chapter 76: The Wedding and The rest of their lives!

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Zubaida in stilettos

Final chapter

Zubaida P.O.V:

My wedding morning, so much excitement, so much entertainment, it definitely going to be highlight of our lives.

Entering the kitchen at 8:06 am, to find dozens of different savories, cakes and biscuits. My mother and few aunts and neighbor all preparing. Gotta say it smelt amazing.

Me: Slmz mom, can I get a cup of tea?

Mom: wslmz sorry you gotta help yourself, I got to much( moving things into ovens or putting more dishes in the already crowed sink where maids are trying to wash the dishes) to do and so little time, Zee said the lady for make up will be here at 1.

Me: okay...

Aunty Nazia: it okay sweety go upstairs and have nice bath, I will bring up the tea, how many sugar?

Me: JazakaAllah I take-

My sis: what no sugar darling, we gotta watch the waist line don't you want to fit into your dress, just make her some herbal tea, help calms nerves as well

Aunt gulshan (neighbor) : hey leave the poor child let her have what she wants!

Trisha(collage friend): Aunty she is wearing a designer dress, kind of hard to fit in, so she need to watch her waistline

Aunt gulshan: what nonsense, it her wedding day, she can indulge in anything she want, designer dress or not!

Me: (rolling eyes) nevermind guys, I just sort myself out

I tried to find what I need, but eventually gave up, to many people. So I decided to take the car and go have Breakfast at mugg nd beans, I phoned Husnaa to join me

Husnaa: hey gorgues sis in law (hugs and kisses me)

Me: hey doll face so glad you could join me, didn't feel like eating alone, everyone just so busy

Husnaa: my pleasure, I was hoping we would have some time before the wedding, guess things got carried away, I got you little something, a welcome to the family! (She hands me a small blue velvet box, inside is a gorgeous pair of diamond earrings)

Me: (gasp) aw doll they are absolutely gorgeous and so expensive! I can't accept that!

Husnaa: hey as my new sister! This just small token so you going to accepted it! I won't take no for an answer!

I hugged her, and we order our meals. We made small talk while waiting, lucky for us with being like the third customers we got served quite fast.

Me: So how are things with Irfaan?

Husnaa: (look a little down) not to good...uh we kind of broke up

Me: what?! Why what happened?!

Husnaa: it his work, we just can't seem to get along anymore...he changed and when we tried sorting it out just made things worse...and I found out an old bud of mines like me, and I kind of made stupid move and confessed I like him at one stage, but that before Irfaan...guess just added more problems so he asked for break...

Me: Oh my word! I'm so sorry! If only I knew...

Husnaa: it fine, it my own fault, Irfaan warned me and we just going in different direction but please don't mention to Zuhayr, I tell him after you guys honeymoon

Me: okay I won't, do you know where his taking me(puppy dog eyes)

Husnaa: (laughing) nice try but nope he only knows, made sure we don't see the bookings, so sorry can't help you!

Zubeida in stilettosWhere stories live. Discover now