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Zubaida in stilettos:

Diary of Zubaida:

Dear Booboo

I just received a bunch of flowers, I wont revealed just yet who I got them from, but they are beautiful. I got a small confess to make, I want it to be from someone else.. Guess I am getting a small crush... but Booboo his just so stubborn. He clearly is a bad boy.

Mother is on about finding a guy again, she just doesn't understand I felt my happy ever after was with that cheating Yusuf but guess it wasn't meant to be. I still believe in finding love, but I am more realistic and I have faith in Allah, my other half is someone who Allah has chosen for me

And all the lovey dovey from Zeenat is getting to me, I am happy for her but that date she had was beyond awesome and I am jealous, the best Yusuf did was take me to a famous restaurant and give me a single rose. It was romantic but totally boring, I would've enjoyed little excited. Next time I date someone he better come up with something totally random, romantic and sweet.

Anyways work is great, it just like how I imagined it... Well aside from the constant let down from the bosses but we finally got confirmation to do the cases, they approved of them. Which is fantastic, I called both of my clients to plan a meeting, it made me feel so important. This is definitely the career I will excel in, it help as well that I got two awesome teammates. They are real bunch of clowns especially Josh, like just yesterday he came dress to work as a plumber, he saying it help him think like a plumber to dress up like them, he even wanted me to wear a ballerina. He sure has a neck to get on Natalie case, I secretly think they like each other but won't admitted it. And than Natalie is one clumsily chicka, she literally fall over her own shoe, but luckily for her josh is always there to catch her, see definitely got some chemistry there.

lot of love


Author note:

let me know what you guys think?

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