Chapter 45: Lunch Date with Mom in law

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Zubaida in stilettos


Shuaib goes to visit his granny, while Shuaib mom asks to meet Zeenat

Chapter 45:

Zeenat P.O.V:

I am so nervous, wonder what she wants to discuss. I decided to go little early to avoid traffic and get us a nice table. It's a sunny day so I thought it would be nice to sit outside. After ordering a milkshake while I waited Shuaib's mom came:

Shuaib's mom: Salaam darling, how are you? Looking gorgeous as always

Me: Wslmz I'm well thanks and you? Aw jazak'Allah, you look amazing too

Shuaib's mom: Aw Thanks darling, let's get started I know you still need to set a date and all, but the earlier we start with the arrangement, the less stressful we will be, I got some awesome friends, who offered some contacts with regards to deco, food and flower arrangement

Me: uhm, I...well thanks I haven't even started thinking about it, everything's just happening so fast

Shuaib's mom: Aw it's natural, every bride has their moments, I remember when Shuaib's dad came home for proposal, I was so nervous I spilled the orange juice on him (laughing), and according to him that sealed the deal for him, and not long after that we got married, and what a rush it was, if it wasn't for my one aunt, I wouldn't have arranged things in time

Me: (laughing) luckily for me I got the best mother in law

So after ordering and getting to know each other a little better, we started coming up with ideas for the weddings, I told about this one cousin who made a wedding theme revolving around a plane, with the waitress being the airhostess etc. She spoke about the flowers and the deco people. We accomplished a lot in that few hours, I had the best mother in law>

Me: Jazak'Allah for today, I really enjoyed it

Shuaib mom: me too, I feel young again (laughing) don't let Shuaib hear about it, last time I tried befriending his girlfriend, he threw a fit

Me: (laughing) don't worry, it's our little secret.

Just than one of Shuaib's aunties walked in and saw us

Shuaib mom: Salaam Khairoon, meet my soon to be daughter in law, I believe you two met already

Oh my god, It's the same aunty who's Husband gave us grief in Cape Town!

Me: Salaam jee we have

Aunty Khairoon: Wslmz yeah I remember the "fast girl" and what are you two doing here?

Shuaib mom: Khairoon! Don't be mean, and we just discussing some wedding details

Aunty Khairoon: Ya Allah, even after he threaten to disown you, you still want to go ahead with the wedding plans! We got such a nice girl for Shuaib, she much prettier, and will be more respectful

Me: Maaf but Aunty you don't know me and it unfair to judge me on one meeting, I didn't know anything about the disowning and from where I stand you stand to lose, because we are going ahead with this wedding, and it would hurt me if you don't come, but I won't force you, come mummy let's go

So we left and went to our cars, I am fuming at that aunty audacity, I mean it's not the old days, and I am not someone suck up. But I am still worried about them spreading false rumours about me, I need to check with Shuaib.

Shuaib P.O.V:

I just had a quick shower and was getting ready for bed when I get a call from mom

Me: Salaam mom how are you?

Mom: Wslmz my baby, please listen there's something I got to tell you, but listen fully okay

Me: What is it mom?

Mom: well I went out with Zeenat today, you know getting to know my new daughter in law and all, and we started to discuss wedding details...

Me: mom! I told you mustn't bother her, she has final say, I love you and all but you sometimes a control freak

Mom: calm down! It's nothing like that I was just being helpful and we had a nice time but...

Me: what happened?

Mom: Aunty Khairoon and her two daughter's came, even though they disowned us, I greeted and introduced Zeenat, and she was so rude, that woman and her mouth, worse than your uncle I tell you.

Me: what?! Is Zeenat okay? I hope she didn't find out about the whole disowning thing

Mom: Calm down, let me finish my story, anyways she started her whole nonsense about Zeenat not being nice, and she got someone better, and she did talk about the disowning, but guess what, Zeenat stood her ground, she didn't get upset and defended you guys, she's really the one, better hold on to her, she will fit us perfectly

Me: aw thanks mom, listen I got to go, will see you in the morning, love you mom

Mom: love you too my baby

After cutting the call, I checked the time, it's still early so I decided to call Zeenat, I wanted to explain that my aunty is harmless, just hope she is okay as my mom says

Zeenat: Salaam Teddy bear

Me: Wslmz my love, how you?

Zeenat: I'm good (yawning) and you?

Me: Aww is my sweetie tired

Zeenat: yeah I had a long day, I miss you so much!

Me: I miss you more, this distance is killing me! I will be home soon, listen my mom told me about my Aunty Khairoon, I'm sorry you had to meet her again, she's a pain in the butt, and don't worry she's harmless, and Thanks for defending us.

Zeenat: hey don't sweat it, we in this together, I don't want to separate the family, but I won't be a pushover either, she doesn't know me enough to make any sort of judgement.

Me: I know that's what I love about you, you speak what's on your mind, and sorry about my mom, she a bit of a control freak, if she gets too much let me know

Zeenat: (laughing) she was great, I love her, and she is not a control freak, I got to go, got an early morning appointment, love you, sweet dreams

Me: I'm glad you two are getting along, okay sweet dreams my love.

Author Note:

What a wedding without drama right? And what's your guys opinion on Aunty Khairoon?

As for our Second favourite couple they seem to be strong, will it be enough though, stay tuned to find out

Also I got a comment about my story being a little bland, and I apologise, and I do want to be better, so please do leave comments on how I can improve

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Instagram: zubaidainstilettos

Lot of love

Zubaida in stilettos

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