Chapter 33: Zeenat Dad

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Zubaida in stilettos

Amaani's wedding was a huge success and Zubaida and Zuhayr are closer than ever.

Chapter 33:

Zeenat P.O.V:

" What do you mean there's nothing else!" I screamed, I couldn't believe this is happening...Noooo..Nooo it can't..his fine

Zeenat and her family were having a small family supper when all of a sudden her father collapsed! They rushed him to the nearest hospital and waited for news when the doctors informed them, he just suffered a major heart attack, he's stable but the next 24 hours are critical, they can't operate, or put him under any medication because his pressure is to high, So their hands were tied

"Please doctor, there must be something we can do, can we atlest see him?" I pleaded, My father, who was always the pillar of our family,he is someone who will make you laugh, but he always knew how to hold his own. He's really the strongest man I knew, always ate healthly, played sports and always up to date. It's a huge shock that something so terrible like this could happen.

"I'm sorry miss, but it's important he remains in a calm environment,so that's why I can't allow you in and it's vital that the family is strong, it's a long way but don't lose faith." Said Dr Adam, and with that he leaves to discuss something with the nurses

I decided to phone Shuaib, I am so scared and needed someone to talk to

Me: Salaam(cryin) it me..hic..I'm at the hospital..

Shuaib: what! What's wrong? Are you hurt?

Me: not me dad..he had..a heartattack...

Shuaib: oh no, I'm coming, don't worry, I love you

So I cut the call and I started crying, I am always my father's daughter, I can't and won't believe this! He will make it..I just have to be strong for my I needed my best friend, but I can't spoil her night, she worked to hard..

Just than Shuaib arrives, he hugs me and let's me cry and whispers all will be fine

He than greeted my family and excuses himself to go talk with my dad's doctors, shame he's really being so supportive, he even brought us coffee and whatever we needed, he simply stayed with us the whole night, because we simply refused to stay at home

I think I must have dose off or something because Shuaib, shook me to wake up

Shuaib: hey hun, I got some news

Zeenat: about dad? Please don't tell me it's bad..

Shuaib: no no his stable and the doctors got his pressure under control, it's good progress, but remember it's still a long process okay, but he's a fighter, they even said they never saw such improvement like your dads

Zeenat: He's(teary eyes)..amazing, inshaAllah I know he will pull through, I know it

So after much forcing Shuaib finally got me to agree to go home and rest for a little. After a few hours of sleep, I got the biggest hugs from Zubaida, she rushed over as soon as she heard

Zubaida: oh dolly I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you! He's going to be fine, he's the strongest man I ever know

Me: Zubz I was so scared! I...I..if it wasn't for Shuaib..I don't know if I would have gotten through is the scarest experince ever..and I know it's not over but I..I know we will get through it

Zubaida: I know I know doll, you are amazing, you know that! And I know he will, InshaAllah we will get through it togather, I'm always here for you, okay!

So after few more crying sessions and talks, she told me about the wedding, I am so happy that things between them are great

Few week later....

Me: Slowly, what's the rush?

Dad: I want in, those hospital beds are terrible! I want my bed

Mom: slow down hunny! We home and I'm never taking you back!

Aw my parents, ever since his attack, my mother hasn't left his side, she has been his strength through the whole thing, and I wouldn't have made it without Zubaida and Shuaib, even Zuhayr came by, everyone has really been so supportive

Shuaib P.O.V:

It has been a tough few weeks for Zeenat, and to be honest, I hated seeing her so sad, but she's been really strong, the night she phoned me, I haven't seen her and I will never want to see her like that again.

She's a real inspiration, the way she cared for her family, the manner she respected, she is truely amazing, I just fell head over heels again! I can't express my feelings towards her sometimes. She takes my breath away

Me: hey man!

Zuhayr: hey, how's Zeenat's father?

Me: he's doing so much better, he went home today

Zuhayr: That's great man!

Me: I know( biggest smile)

Zuhayr: You really love her

Me: yeah, I never felt like this, she's the one

Zuhayr: Well I am happy for you, you deserve this, why don't we go out with the girls, treat them to something nice

Me: That sounds amazing! Just tell us when and where and we will be there

Irfaan P.O.V:

Me: hey raisa, uhm we need to talk

Raisa: okay sure

Me: I..uhm..don't know how to say this but I think we should break up

Author note:

A lot of tension and hectic stuff going on, so please do let me know what do you guys think

As for Irfaan, what was his reason!stay tuned to find out

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Thanks to noorul-ain for editing

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