Chapter 7: The Wedding

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Zubaida in stilettos


It was Shuaib birthday. He was gifted with two presents namely a yacht from his entire family and Zeenat number from his sister. As the day goes on, He phones Zeenat and plans a romantic evening on his new yacht, she accepts and get ready. He meet her parents and was an instant hit. After wonderful evening he asks her to be his girlfriend.

Chapter 7:

Zubaida P.O.V:

So it a week since I started working at Brick and Hornett, it been an interesting week, I dealt with work issues, and I am now a newly single working lady, and my best friend has met her prince charming, her date sounded so amazing. "How is it that apart from me working and got no time, did I get drag during my precious lunch hour ( which I use to catch up on some awesome chow) to go shopping for a distant cousin wedding I never heard of until today ?", " Because I said so, plus stop complaining, you love shopping, This is the perfect opportunity to meet your family, and plus your annoying ma is insisting" say mum with sign, "Aw come on mom, she love you, she take you like her own daughter" say my darling sister, "That woman gives me grey hairs, and your father is like clay in her hands, nothing I say or do is good enough, and I want to prove that I can get my family ready without her." Say mom.

So after shopping up a storm, we headed to our favourite coffee shop, it owned by our favourite uncle, Ridwan mama. "What are my darling nieces and sister doing with so much shopping bags, is it another birthday party, because if it is I will run away the last party cost me my sleep for months, the horror" he says, "Its worsts, someone getting married and we are forced to go" I said grumpily, "Oh that Cassim wedding, it a huge function I heard, apparently got over thousand people coming, isn't it in ICC hall?" he asked, "Yes, they decided to have a huge wedding, they wanted to bring the whole family together, shame they were so sweet and give us a card and phone call invite" say my mom. "doesn't sound so bad, seem like a perfect place to catch up with the cousins, oh if you see Yusuf, give him my regards, his wife just gave birth to beautiful baby girl" he says. So after few more minutes of chatter, he left us to go and tend to other customers, while we enjoyed his special blend of milkshakes.

So once we got home, we decided to get ready and dress up, Daddy always complains we the last people to arrive but truth be told we always there before the bride arrives. For me the highlight of the wedding is the bride entrance, nothing beats seeing the bride smile and the father tears of joys of seeing his daughter married. "Pass me the brush" I said, "No mom, stand still, I can't get the pin in with you moving around" complained Ayesha( my sister), because as usually mom can't keep still for a minute, after seeing those two struggle I decided to get the brush myself, "better hurry up, it almost 7"I said. So after getting our hair done, shoe sorted and make-up done, we don our outfits, I must admit we look fabulous.

So arriving at the hall at 8, we rush over to greet the bride mother at the entrance, "Salaams Hajra, you looking stunning, everything thing looks amazing" says my mother after getting a quick look of the hall behind the bride mother, who in my opinion is overdressed, but the hall is amazing, she had blue roses and white lilies in bunches around the hall, the drapes were in deep blue and the tables are deck with small candles and single long vase with single blue rose, the stage is a single white couch, with the theme colour and beautiful waterfall, and a small like bridge where the bride will walk through to get to the couch. It is simple yet stunning.

After settling down next to my favourite cousins, Zahrah and Maseeha, they are twin sisters, we are all really close, they both are in matric at the moment, so they are super excited to be starting their last year of schooling, aahh I remember my last year, it was epic, since me and my cousin Muhammad both were in the same class, and we sure give the teachers grey hair, let just say we were the loud mouth who refused to shut up, and forever in trouble for eating in class. So after the bride waking in, she is a vision in the creamy white dress, she wore simple white diamond tiara, and her hair is in a bun with curls coming down, she looked so radiant, and her face has so much noor on it, Mash Allah, a table behind us, sat all the gossip aunties, and they are chatting up a storm, and I can tell I am a topic of discussion, since they kept giving my table quick glances. I couldn't take it anymore and wanted to go over to tell them off when I bumped into Zuhayr, what is he doing here....

"I am sorry, wasn't seeing..."I said, "It okay, could you do me a favour and act like you my girlfriend, these annoying aunties won't leave me alone, I told them countless of times I am not interested" he says, "Why should I help?" I said, "it would benefit us both since from the direction you are going, the gossip aunties are on fire talking about you, and what better treatment to give them a false show to show them up, I am an eligible bachelor, and you not that bad looking, what harm could it possible cause to act like my girlfriend for few minutes..."he says, "There a slight problem, my family know I am single" I said, ha! Let him come up with a solution, mister know it all, "that simple, we can say we just started dating, and it plausible since my best friend is dating yours, it will work" he says, before I could come say anything, he grabs my hand and goes over to my mom table, "Salaam aunty, I am Zuhayr, it finally a great pleasure to meet you, Zubaida talk about you all the time" he says, "Oh I hope only good things, sorry she never mentioned you before" say my mother, she busy giving me the look that say "we will talk about this later", "Actually I asked her not to mention anything until I had a chance to meet you in person, we met through Zeenat, she dating my friend Shuaib" he says, and before she could reply, "Sorry we can't chat longer, I want to introduce Zubaida to my mother, we will get together soon I hope" he say and rushes us to the other end of the hall, "are you nuts! How did you know that's my mother, god I am dead, she is never going to forgive me, and what this about meeting your mother, this is a lie!, how can you expect me to..."I said in a frantic spin, "Zubaida meet my mother, Ferhana, mom meet my girlfriend Zubaida" he says in a calm voice, I am busy freaky here and his calm! Is this guy mental...

Author note: Lol a real mental head, who would've thought.... Anyways hope this brighten up this blue Monday. Please do comment and let me know what your think... what do you think Zuhayr mother going to say? Will this be a start of something between these two? Let me know what your think J Apologies for grammar errors Lot of Love Zubaida in stilettos And please do visit my other blog my alpha mate @ 

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