Chapter 23:

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Zubaida in stilettos

Dinner is off to a good start and Zubaida pop a question.
Chapter 23:
Zuhayr P.O.V:

"Uhm are you serious?" I asked, still can't comprehend what she just said, it is so out of the blue, " you heard right, I am not repeating it" she says stubbornly, how do I answer, I mean come on she shoving me in the deep end, but than again I did the same thing to her at the wedding. " Okay I will pretend to be your bf, but with certain rules, it must be believable, meaning the families cannot know it's fake, and whatever I do from now, you must just go along and lastly don't expect roses and chocolates, I am not that kind of guy. " Sounds fair, just get one thing straight, I am not the roses and chocolate kind of girl either, and I don't expect gifts" she says and walks away

Okay that went well I guess and went back to my mom and sister, and guess what they also planning, can anything go according to plan.

Zubaida P.O.V:
After walking away, I felt butterflies, I just did it...I can't believe it! I just got a boyfriend, and that one thing off my list, onto the second one my job, well actually that sorted, and now for super a hot outfit needed, guess who's going for shopping 101 immergency!

" Hey I think it time we leave, I'm sure my parents are wondering where I am and it getting late" I said to the lovebirds, so after we finish greet everyone goodbye and Shuaib dropped us off, we plan a shopping trip for the weekend and I take my car and drive home, where I got an unexpected visitor waiting...Yusuf

Husnaa P.O.V:
"Hey what up with you and Zubaida, I saw you two talking earlier?". I asked, " Well you will find out soon" he says with a smirk and walks off to his room, he seemed chirpier ever since the dinner, something definitely up and I am going to find out what it is, just than I get a bbm message

Irfaan: hey
Me: hi
Irfaan: soo how was the dinner, anything exciting happen?
Me: yeah it went well, they loved Zeenat, especially Shuaib, he couldn't keep his eyes off her
Irfaan: he really likes her
Me: yep, anyways got to go, school tomorrow, sleeptyt
Irfaan: sweetdreams

Irfaan P.O.V:
" Hey mom, the dinner went well, everyone loves the girl" I yelled, " thanks for finding out sweety, now go to sweetdreams, you got a long day ahead" she says, yeah long ass day, I hate school, wish it would be over already!...and whats the deal with Husnaa, she acts like she too cool, well I will show her..

Maybee her friend raisa can help...

Zeenat P.O.V:
As soon as Zubaida left, I ran inside and hugged my mother, " it went great! I think they loved me..everything went perfectly, mommy he's the one! I just know it" I said, my mom hugs me back and we sit down to tell them everything, from the greetings to the dinner, everything seems so surreal.

In bed I decide to phone my Shuaib, he answers on the first ring.

Me: Salaams honey
Shuaib: wslmz my dove, I miss you already, come back
Me: aw I wish I could, miss you terribly
Shuaib: My mom can't stop raving about you to my aunty, they busy talking about you.
Me: I hope all good things
Shuaib: always, noone can tell me any different
Me: I got to go, gotta wake up early, see you soon, I love you
Shuaib: I love you too, sweetdreams, see you soon

After cutting, and getting into bed, I had a smile on my face as I drift into a beautiful dream

Shuaib P.O.V:
After cutting the call, I couldn't sleep, I miss her already, so I decided to phone Zuhayr
Me: hey bud whatsup
Zuhayr: hey loverboy, nothing much just looking over the annual report, you?
Me: thinking, what you thought of tonight?
Zuhayr: it a night to remember for everyone, that I can tell you, and she did great, they loved her
Me: thanks I needed to hear that, I just love her so much
Zuhayr: I know bud, she clearly feels the same
Me: I know thanks for coming
Zuhayr: Wouldn't miss my friend making a fool of himself
Me: haha anyways see you 2mr0w
Zuhayr: lol yeah bye

With that I went to sleep...

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