Chapter 56: Date Night/Phase 2

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Zubaida in stilettos


Zeenat and Shuaib got engaged!

Chapter 56:

Zubaida P.O.V:

After Zeenat and Shuaib's awesome engagement, I decided I shouldn't wait too long on phase 2, So I started planning.

Plans I could think off:

1:Boat ride
2: picnic at botanical gardens
3: Pizza at home
4: Ushaka

Hmmmm I can't decide...So I decided to ask the man himself

Me: hey Zu

Zuhayr: heyy hun whatsup?

Me: a quick question if you were to have a deep meaning conversation with someone which one of these four would you pick, namely boat ride,picnic,ushaka and pizza at home?

Zuhayr: hmm that's easy Pizza at home. Everyone feels more open in an environment, soo why did you ask?

Me: Dress comfy and be at my place @ 7pm 2night, bring your wallet! Byeee!

After cutting i quickly made a list of things I need to do before tonight.

Namely get rid of my parents for the night!

Husnaa P.O.V:

After spending literally most of my free time with Moe, Irfaan was getting a little annoyed.

Me: I'm sorry I just...

Irfaan: just what husnaa, this is the third time I asked you out, are you his girlfriend or mines!

Me: listen It's not like that, he's going through a rough patch and I just want to help

Irfaan: I know husnaa but I need some time with you as well, I hardly see you, either practice for something at school or Moe's house...

Me: You right I'm sorry I will make it up to you tonight, come over. My bro's going out. So it would just be us and my mom...Maybe we can finally tell her about us...

Irfaan: okay, I will be there, what time and should I wear something formal?

Me: at 7pm, be punctual and just look neat, no need to go all out, my mom is cool

Irfaan: okay see you tonight than.

After cutting the call with irfaan, I quickly bbm Moe that I couldn't make it, I had plans

And got ready to plan a special dinner. I needed to make an impression. It's our first date!

I wore my brand new top I got from Woolworth, It's a pretty blue color with a little flower pattern in the middle, with a dark blue jean, my favorite black pumps. I decided to leave my hair loose and iron it. Applied light make-up.

Mom: wow someone looked dressed up for her supper, he must be something else...

Me: mom! (Blushing) It's a close friend of mines okay, thanks for doing this

Mom: well It's not everyday my daughter brings a "close friend" home.

After setting up and warming the food up, the doorbell rings! He's here!

Me: heyy

Irfaan: hey, do I look presentable?

He had a black t-shirt and a blue jean with his sneakers. He looked hot! (Blushing)

Me: you look great, come I want you to meet my mom. Mom this is Irfaan, Irfaan this is my sweet loving mom!

Irfaan : Salaams aunty, you have a lovely house, thanks for inviting me

Mom: wslmz thank you, it's always a pleasure to meet Husnaa's friends, she's very clingy and doesn't like sharing

Me: mom!

Mom: just kidding, please come through

The night went well and my mom and irfaan got on like old buddies. He is really great with meeting new people.

Me: thanks for being so amazing

Irfaan: thanks again for tonight, sorry about being bossy, I just miss you.

Me: I miss you too, I think you made a new friend, my mom loves you

Irfaan: well she is just as charming as her beautiful daughter

After saying our goodbye, i had this goofy grin on my face

Mom: soo how do you plan on telling your brother about your "close friend"

Me: I was hoping you would help ( puppy dog eyes) please

Mom: (laughing) nah ah missy, it's better he hears it from you than someone else, so don't wait to long sweetie, he's a lovely boy

Me: okay mom, thanks I love you

Mom: I love you too baby!

Author note:

Tweet @ShyPopz

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