Chapter 17: Our Shopping Trip

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Zubaida in stilettos

Zubaida and Zeenat plans a girl day out for their last day in Cape Town, when Husnaa joins them, Husnaa receives flowers, causing a series of event to occurs that lead to everyone following Muhammad
Chapter 17:
Shuaib P.O.V:

Waking up to the bird singing, fresh air breezing through, and a hot cup of aroma filled coffee next to me, and a note:
Dear big bro
I am with my buddies, will meet you at the airport, don't worry, I can take care of myself, and please don't tell mom, she would freak.
P.S: the coffee especially for you
A little thanks for babysitting me
Oh if anyone asks where I am, just say in bed. See you at 3
Buddy Irfaan
Oh no that boy going to get me into shit! So after drinking the coffee, I take a quick shower and decided to take a walk on the beach hoping to catch Zuhayr since I couldn't find him in the room
Zubaida P.O.V:
Before carrying on with the group, I take a quick peek at the card it reads:
Dearest brown-eyes beauty
I am your admirer, wana chill this afternoon by the pool, you definitely look like a swimmer. I must say you definitely not what I expected.
From Muhammad
WHAAT! It from Muhammad, than why is he angry, I am confused as hell. And why would he send flowers to Husnaa...

The scene in front of me is something, no one would want to tell their grandkids about. Muhammad walks up to Faheem, who with his buddies, and tries to punch him square in the face, but misses and end up hitting the guy on the right.
Muhammad: what the big idea, sending flowers to Zubaida with my name!
Faheem: what are you talking about? I didn't send anyone flowers, lest of all Zubaida
Muhammad: don't act smart, I know you had a crush on Zubaida since high school
At this statement, I am utterly shocked, I had no clue, and why does he think it Faheem...
Me: guys, what going on here, and Moe why you think it Faheem?
Muhammad: Because he like pranks and I could think of no one else
Faheem: well you wrong I didn't send flowers to anyone
At this point even Husnaa look confused, I gave her the flowers and card, after reading, she burst out laughing
Husnaa: Oops guys, there no need for panic, it is a prank, but from a friend of mines....and before you can comment( directed at Zuhayr) it a guy from school, he also came for the conference, and I gave Zubaida the flowers, to avoid that look you giving me ( he was giving her the third degree)
So all this tension and punches is for nothing, I am sure Muhammad feels bad, he apologises and all back to normal or at least for the guys, poor Husnaa is grounded, meaning she couldn't meet up with friends or this Muhammad friend, I felt kind of sorry for her, but I am glad she isn't coming anymore.
So on we go, Zeenat and I, to the most famous mall in Cape Town, Canal walk. We quickly go to all our favourite shops, Edgars, Woolworth, truworths, Divas, and all the places we felt might have what we need, we ended up with 5 bags full of clothes, accessories and shoes. I finally got a leopard skin stilettos and Zeenat bought a black one with studs. I do love shopping for shoes. I also got a cute pair of pumps from a boutique. And best of all we got most of our stuff from the big sale going one!
So after visiting all these stall we decided to take a break and have lunch, we pick, yes you guess it right, Nando's. After settling down and giving our order, we get back to our convo where we were unfornately interrupted from:
Me: So this uncle of Shuaib doesn't seem like a nice person?
Zeenat: that putting it lightly, we were in line to go on the cable car at Table Mountain, when he and his family came over to greet, they were all friendly until their daughter asked if I was his girlfriend, Shuaib being the joker says no I am his wife, ofcouse the uncle actually thought he was serious and started a whole agreement that how could his parents not tell them, and not invite them for the wedding, also why we got married so quickly, was I pregnant, and which family am from, I was like stunned, Shuaib tried explaining, that I am just his girlfriend, but than this stupid man started insulting Shuaib parents, he just got so angry and walked away.
Me: Woah that hectic, than what happened?
Zeenat: Well he calm down and was going to explain, when he get a call from his father, which ended up in another fight, I am telling you, he was so furious, he was literally shaking with anger, he ended up punching the uncle son, he didn't mean to, but he got in the way and refused for Shuaib to explain. There is going to be huge problems when we get back, Zubz am scared, what if they stop him from seeing me, they already said they don't like me, that I am making him wild, making him lose respect towards them, which just made him more mad by the way, he said he won't let anyone separate us... but what if they do, I really love him
Me: Aw poor sweetie, well I think you need to trust Shuaib, it was just a simple misunderstanding, I am sure once he explains, everything will be back to normal
Zeenat: I really hope so, I was really getting scared, I never seen him get this mad, I don't want to cause any family problems
Me: But you didn't doll, it just a stupid misunderstanding they cannot blame you for anything, now just enjoy this girls day out, and forget all the worries. Want to check out a movie, I hear there some nice ones out
Zeenat: sure sound like fun, why don't you book the tickets and I will take the bags back to the car, we can't have them on us when we watching.
So after she leaves to go and put the bags away, I get a message, I don't know the number but I got a very good idea who it from
Zuhayr P.O.V:

After the whole mess Husnaa created, I decided to ground her and ban her from going out with the girls, her friends and this so called friend Muhammad, I couldn't believe how much havoc she caused. So as soon as we got to the room, she sulked and went to her room, just than Shuaib walks in
Me: Hey bro you won't believe what Husnaa just pulled....

Shuaib: I can't find Irfaan anywhere! He left this morning with his buddies, his mother on my case, did he come back here
Me: what you mean you can't find him, isn't he in the room, and I didn't see anything, I also just got in
He explained the note
Me: well if he say he will be here at three I am sure he will
Shuaib: I would wait but his mother on my case, and since my entire family is on my case, she is acting up 10 times worse
Me: what you mean they are on your case about what
Shuaib: there some misunderstanding over Zeenat and they overreacting
Me: okay better explain on the way, Husnaa get in here, Do you have Irfaan on bbm by any chance or any of your friend have him or his buddies, it urgent
Husnaa: I will ask
After 15 minutes of waiting, one of her friend finally answer
*his in the pool area of the hotel, we all there, come join*
We were all shocked, they were right under our noses, so Shuaib and I went down to fetch him, he is in big trouble, after we gave him a piece of our mind, we left him to phone his mother.
Author note:
Hope this cheers your Monday, and chase away the blues. Thanks to all those that comment and tweet, I really appreciate it, please do keep on doing so
Wonder who sent the sms, and what they wanted?
And is there trouble in paradise in store for Shuaib and Zeenat
And want await our hero's back at home

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Lots of love
Zubaida in stilettos

Zubeida in stilettosWhere stories live. Discover now