Chapter 40: The Truth

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Zubaida in stilettos


The two couples were adjusting to dating. Zubaida got a big case when she stumbles on a name that someone close to her knows.

Chapter 40:

Zubaida P.O.V:

It's pretty early on Monday morning when I got a call from Zuhayr, he wants to meet regarding his mother. Seems she had a panic attack and only feels better if she has a legal opinion. I am a little nervous, since I knew her I wouldn't be able to examine her, but I still can give her some general advice.

Me: Salaams

Zuhayr mom: Wslmz dear, sorry to trouble

Zuhayr: salaam

Me: it's fine, I am always here to help, so what would you like to do?

Zuhayr mom: Well this case is about my family, my mother's side...They want to know about the house I got through my grandfather's will. It's unoccupied at the moment...and I don't want it so I gave it to my two sisters and brother, but when they trying to sell it without consulting one another, so they want to know who has primary rights, how do I choose, I don't want any of this, so Zuhayr told me I could regain the building and sell it and give them each equal shares. What we would like to know if that's possible and how do we go forward?

Me: To be honest, your plan is good, but the best would be to get your siblings to agree before the court, and then there is a legal document and few documents you need to organise, get a family lawyer to help, but first consult with the family

Zuhayr: is there any way of quickening the process?

Me: unfornately no, it's a lengthy process without the lawsuit from the siblings, that's why you have to talk to them and explain properly.

After a few more chitchat with Zuhayr and his mother they left. His mother's amazing for leaving the property for her siblings and not wanting any. A lot of families feud over money matter and it's truly saddening.

Irfaan P.O.V:

After the movie with Husnaa I couldn't get her out of my head, that stupid Cassim didn't tell me It's a date I was joining, if I had known I wouldn't have went, and just because he doesn't like the movie, he ended up leaving me alone with Husnaa. Arg sometimes that boy is blond, he knows how I felt about her.

Just then I got an invite from Husnaa, wonder who gave her my pin...

Me: hey

Husnaa: hey Irfaan I hope you don't mind, but I asked Cassim for your pin, we need to talk, want to meet for milkshakes after school?

Me: uhm sure

That dumbass, why is he giving his girlfriend my pin, so I decided to give him a call

Me: Salaam can I please speak to Cassim, it's Irfaan

Cassim sister: sure one minute

Cassim: Salaam bra what up?

Me: what up with you and Husnaa, you know how I feel about her, she's your girlfriend

Cassim: geez straight to the point I see, well you know how you thought I went home, I didn't I stayed behind and saw you two, mom had a hissy fit but I needed to know, she likes you, and we aren't dating, she's all yours, so go get her man, and thank me later.

Me: You spied on us! How?

Cassim: Forgot I still had my ticket, why did you think I invited you, the guys and I thought it's time you got the girl

Me: oh man, thanks, she invited me for milkshakes...I will try and not waste your guys' hard work. Thanks bra

After cutting the call, I decided to practise what I would say, I am pretty nervous, I just hope this means we can finally get together.

Author note:

Keep comments coming! Love hearing from you guys!

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Instagram: zubaidainstilettos

Just want to announce my winners

1: S. Ismail: for an awesome evening idea

2: Safiyyah Mahomed: her pictures and good place ideas.

By special shout out two other contestants for their brilliant efforts:

3: Sameera Saley: for her brilliant letter in the bottle

4: Najmah: Beautiful idea and picture

Thank you so much for the brilliant ideas, truly inspirational. Next two Post are our winners dates

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