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One week later

Autumns POV:

The week passed slow.

Ethan and I were inseperable in the halls. He wasn't leaving my side.

After the slap, he refused. He felt like it was his fault he wasn't there to protect me the first time.

I appreciated his love and protectiveness. It did make me feel a lot safer, even though I could have maybe handled them myself.

The home life was the same. The struggles of dealing with my parents upcoming divorce was becoming harder and harder.

It was now Saturday and I laid in bed, 9:30am.

I wasn't ready to go downstairs.

Ethan💙: Morning sunshine! I'm going to need you at my house by 7, dressed beautifully like always. 😚

I smiled down at my phone. He was planning something. I was instantly excited, after the stressful week at school we had, we needed something chill.

His little blushy kiss made me blush. I missed his lips on my cheek. I didn't go over after school last night because he was having the guys over and I didn't want to intrude.

One night without him and I already missed him.

I guess that's what love feels like. When you miss them and wish you could be doing whatever it was you were doing, even just sitting alone, with them.

Me: Alright my love😊 Dressed beautifully as in fancy?

Ethan💙: Yes. The black dress with the sheer is preferred😏

I giggled softly to myself. I got this beautiful black dress with a sheer boddess, but black roses were up the sides around the chest. I could make that work for tonight.

I wonder what he had planned. He never failed to amaze me with anything he planned for us to do.

"Autumn!" I was ripped from my thoughts as my dad called for me.

I slowly got from my bed. I had on one of Ethans white t-shirts that I stole from him and a pair of athletic shorts. "Coming!" I jogged down the stairs. "Yeah?"

I saw my mom and dad sitting at the table.

Too early.

"Sit for a second."

I slowly sat. I didn't like this. The tension was rising, you could cut it with a knife.

"So your mom wants me gone."

My mom rolled her eyes.

My mom did want my dad gone. I knew that was true.

I didn't want my dad to go though. He was the only one here for me.

Lately, I've been spending a lot of time with Ethan. Usually, I had spent that time with my dad just watching tv or running different errands.

I love my mom, I always will. She's changed though. She stopped caring about me because I talked to my dad and know the wrongs my mom has done.

"No." I looked at my dad. "I don't want you to go."

"Well it's not up to you." My mom snapped.

"I'm sorry, but why was I called down then?" I snapped back.

I could feel myself coming to my breaking point. I didn't want to snap at either one of my parents. I love them so much. I couldn't stop myself. I was so upset. They put me in these situations where they want me to listen to them argue and ask what I want, but when I say it I'm told I'm wrong.

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