District 3 Male - Collin Olsen *DEAD*

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Name: Collin Olsen

District: 3, Technology

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Personality: Collin has always been the ''reject'' of his class, of his friend’s gang or even of his District. He's a little bit hard to understand sometimes but when you are on the same train as him, he is super smart and kind. He is really shy but when he start talking with you, he can't stop and will become friend with you instantly. His smartness could easily save his life. His idol is Beetee from District 3.

Description: Collin has messy ginger hair and bright gray eyes. Despite his height: 5'8'' he is very thin. Not because he is from a poor District. But just because he has been born like that... He also has a little bit of freckles on his nose but not a lot like other young teens in his District. He is also one of the most educated child in his District, his memory being invincible; you could tell him 15 names and he would all remember them an hour after. So that will help him in the arena. He is tall and thin what makes it easier to run for him too.

Family: Collin has a mother: Katelyn. A father: Jack. A younger brother; Robin, who is 11 years old and two sisters. One who has 17 years old; Chelsea. And Rosa, that is only couple of months old.

Volunteer?: No

Alliance: He is used to be alone so it will probably be the same in the arena. If someone wants to ally with him though he would be grateful, he just don’t want a big alliance.

Weapon of Choice: Wire or maybe bow and arrow. But he will probably create his own weapon. Bloody or just simple. He will probably add him little touch in it; electricity.

Backstory: Collin was a lonely child from a very young age. At the start it was just cause by him being shy but as he grown older, he understands that he was just rejected by the others. He was a victim of bullies and always came home with little scars on him for being maltreated at school. He would lose him thoughts in books and manuals, always trying to learn more and more. At school he was the smartest and always won the competitions in his District. People hated him for that, so he got bullied a lot even after that. At the age of 14 he stopped going at his District’s school since all the teachers could not give him something he couldn’t do. So he locked his door and lived his life in his room, studying still and making inventions, away from the people who started to accuse him of sorcery or other genres, rumors. All were rumors of course. They were just jealous of Collin’s brain.

Tribute Owner: -LovelyButterfly-

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