Interview - Stone Everglade

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I guess you can say the beginning of the end of my life started with being reaped into the Hunger Games. I would say otherwise, I would say it began almost exactly 7 years ago.

  What happened? Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answer to. We will just say that you are correct and go with the whole ‘the beginning of the end of my life started with being reaped’ thing.

   So as I was saying before your thoughts so rudely interrupted me; the beginning of the end of my life started with being reaped into the Hunger Games. Don’t feel bad for me. I was actually rather relieved when my name was called out instead of some innocent’s. I deserve to die more than anyone else in my district. Actually, I want to die.

   I paused the imaginary autobiography as my eyes drifted to my scrawny district partner nearly tripping over the dress she wore as she exited the stage. The bastards who put us here let out a low chuckle at her dismay. I watched the screen in the corner of the room sneering at their nerve. She had been pulled here to amuse them like every other mindless pawn here, she wasn’t even given a choice. Play, or die. And do you know what the poor kid would get for trying to live? Death. She would die because the strong would prey on her, they would cut her throat out heartlessly and move on to their next victim. This game was so pointless, we would all die. Come to think of it life was pointless too, death is inevitable and you are miserable trying to avoid it. I’ve seen the people in my district working long hours to keep from starving, or obeying laws to keep from getting shot. Humans are pointless also, we are stupid, naïve, selfish and cruel. Everything is just so pointless! Why doesn’t someone just nuke us already and put us out of our misery?

    Most people aren’t nearly as insightful as me. The majority enjoys life and thinks life can be fun. You should stay away from these people. They are in need of serious psychiatric attention. Still…. I think that if someone was stupid enough to think life was fun they should be able to enjoy it until they wake up. Nobody should be forced to die.

   For the record I was very aware of fact it was now my turn. I considered going out there like everyone else had, but decided against it for the sake of being difficult. I stared at the brightly patterned floor under my feet. It was hideous, all colorful and happy. Was the person who painted it drunk?

   I glanced at the screen amused as the interviewer, Crystal Meth or something along those lines I think, announce me. “Please welcome District 11’s male tribute Stone Everglade!” Stone Everglade, to everyone’s surprise didn’t appear. Crystal Meth shifted her feet uncomfortably and tried again. “Let’s welcome Stone Everglade, coming to us all the way from District 11!” Stone still didn’t appear. “Well…. Lets give him a few minutes…. Maybe he’s just shy.” The interviewer suggested, clearly unsure of the proper procedure for a missing tribute.

   I was so involved with the unnecessary upheaval I was causing I didn’t notice the Peacekeeper until his hand grabbed my arm tightly. I looked over at him and debated punching him. I decided against it. Punching him would require unnecessary movement on my part.

    The Peacekeeper said nothing as he dragged me through the room and shoved through the curtains. I fell flat on my face. What a great way to start my interview.

   “Oh! Look! Here he is now! Let’s give Stone a warm welcome!” Crystal Meth cried happily pointing at me. Everyone cheered. I let my face fall onto the cool floor of the stage. The positivity was sapping my energy. I wondered if they would leave me alone if I played dead.

   No such luck. The Peacekeeper pushed his way out of the curtains and started dragging me toward the center of the stage. I caught a glimpse of his face. He was not a happy camper. I felt a strange tingly feeling settle itself in my heart. Happiness. Yes, I think thats what it was.

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