Interview - Phineus Flanch

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Behind me, I hear muttering as the girl before me finishes with the... interesting Ruby Shimmers. She finishes too soon, though. Before I know it, I'm on my way out for my turn. I smile and shake her hand, taking my seat next to her.

I take a moment Just taking in her outfit. Well she takes this name thing to the top notch, doesn't she? Her dress is ruby, to match her name, and it shimmers. It is a full length gown, one you would see at a special party or event. But never in a district. Nobody would wear something that fancy at home.

Before I realize it, She's snapping to get my attention. I blink a couple times and look at her.

"A little tired, are we?" She laughs slightly as I nod.

"Sometimes you Just have those nights." I smile. She Chuckles.

"Alright. So far, how are you liking the Capitol Phineus?"

I pause for a moment to think. "Well... pretty amazing. The food is awesome, the rooms, the people. Everything is awesome."

She smiles as she nods. "Who stands out to you in this pool of tributes?"

I bite my tongue as I think-old habit. "I think the biggest stand out is David, from district 9. He Just sets himself up as cooler than the rest of us, and seems to want to kill all of us."

She nods and seems to think about something as well. I look out to the audience and immediately get a little clammy and look back at her.

"Is he the biggest threat, in your opinion?"

I nod slowly, thinking along with it. "I would say that he is. Easily."

"And on the other side, who is the weakest tribute?"

I run through the tributes on my head. "I'm going to go with Averlyn, from District 5. If Nothing else, just for her age."

"Do you have any loves one back home? A girlfriend, perhaps?"

I chuckle and shake my head. "Nope not a girl. But, I do have my Great family. Two older brothers, twins, named Jack and Dillon. They're to old for the games now. Then a little sister, Amelia. And I love that little girl more than I love to eat. And then finally there's my parents."

"Oh, and I bet you want to get home to them."

"Yes, very much So."

"Speaking of getting back to them, what do you miss of home?"

"I miss the water. I love swimming more than anything, and I love fishing. The water is my life."

She nods and smiles again. "So, do you, Phineus Flanch, believe you have a chance of winning?"

"I do believe I do, because I have secrets. And advantages that No one else knows about." I smile slightly.

She Chuckles and smiles once more. Her mouth opens to ask another question, But before she can the buzzer goes off to announce the end of the interview.

"Alright Phineus. That's the end of our time. Thank you So much!" I stand up and shake her hand once more, then go off stage, barely looking at the audience again. My hands are still sweaty as I leave. I smile slightly to myself in my success of an interview.

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