District 5 Male - Alexander Lacey

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Name: Alexander (Alex) Lacey

District: 5

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Personality: Alex is really persuasive, something he has always been good at. He is often using that skill to trick others into either a trap of death or something that helps set up a trap of death. He is sneaky and could careless of just about everyone but himself. This meaning he is cold hearted. He likes to make himself look sweet and clueless.

Description: If you found Alex in a alleyway at midnight, you might scare yourself to death. He has messy blonde hair, that never- EVER gets brushed. His eyes are black. Not just black. A black that tugs your soul and gives it chills. If your lucky, his eyes will change into a different color, but that hasn't happened in over 2 years. He wears a look of: Get out of my way or go ahead and dig your grave. He has pale skin, that almost looks a yellowish tint, mostly because of poor nutrients. He stands at about 5'5, a good height for a thirteen year old boy. If you can still call him boy....


-May Stone- ~Mother~ |Dead|

-Trent Lacey- ~Father~ |Dead|

-Hunter Stone- ~Stepfather~ |Dead|

-Stephane Lacey- ~Oldest: Daughter~ |Whereabouts unknown: 19|

-Rachel Lacey- ~2nd oldest: sister~ |Whereabouts unknown: 18|

-Caden Lacey- ~ Middle: Son~ |Alive: 16|

-Averlyn Lacey- ~2nd youngest: Daughter~ |Alive: 13| <Twin Alexander>

- Alexander Lacey- Youngest: Son~ |Alive: 13| <Twin Averlyn>

(The following are in the Stone Family. Half-Siblings to Alex)

-Sydney Stone- ~Oldest: Daughter~ |Alive: 7|

-Macy Stone- ~Middle: Daughter~ |: 6| <Twin Mary>

-Mary Stone- ~Youngest: Daughter~ |: 6| <Twin Macy>

Volunteer?: YES!

Why?: "He wants to save his sister".

Alliance: Solo

Weapon of choice: Throwing Knifes

Backstory: He had a normal life, with his family, until he turned 3. His mom and dad had issues. His dad left them, causing his mom to worry. She couldn't take care of her five children by herself. She shortly found someone to replace his father. A few years later, Sydney, Mary, and Macy were born. When Alex (and A-Lyn) turned 8, things started changing again. Before he turned eight, Alex was a sweet kid who loved to prank his twin sister and play down by the lake. But then, Alex's mom was killed. Alex had watched it happen. He was the only one to see it, besides his step father, who had stabbed her. No one really knows how, but his step father was 'mysteriously' found dead later that day. A year later, the peacekeepers started to catch on and blamed the death on Alex. So, he went on the run. Some reports even say he killed his real father after tracking him down. The peacekeepers reports say the reason is because he left his mother who would still be alive if his father hadn't left. His step father would have never came into the picture. Several other disappearances have thought to be his fault, but none really make since. For example, his two sisters, Stephane and Rachel. Both went missing when Alex was 11. But since  they couldn't really did any evidence, nor that Alex actually was still alive, they just found other people to blame and arrest.

Alex snuck into the reapings this year. Then he volunteered. Since they found others to blame, Alex has a clean slate. The peacekeepers couldn't find another reason to kill him right there in the square, without saying they arrested random people. So Alex gladly took his spot as tribute.

Also, he uses his original last name. He likes that more than his suppose to be new one. He later found out his brothers and sisters (the not half ones) were doing the same thing.

Tribute owner: PerryPrim

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