District 12 Female - Crescentia Hoods *DEAD*

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Name:Crescentia Hoods

Age:13 1/2

District: 12


Personality:Sassy but shy she likes to remain unknown and strike when no one realizes it. she is very good at acting and although she is shy she is headstrong and has practiced for the hunger games ever since she was seven in the backyard of her neighbors house in cause she got drafted

Description:Peircing blue eyes with specks of green and gold brown hair with natural blond highlights sometimes looks reddish thin frail figure but actually quite stong

Celebrity look alike: Lindsey Hansen

Family:Both parents dead, only child, parents died in hunger games for she was born before they were drafted



Weapon of choice any weapon that kills fast and is quiet

Backstory when parents went to the hunger games she went to live with their neighbors they kinda forgot about her so she lives with them but they don't really remember that's she's there so she just does her own thing  she likes to sit and read books up in her attic room

Tribute owner theaterismything

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