District 7 Male - Aspen Barker *DEAD*

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Name: Aspen Barker
District: 7
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Personality: kind, thoughtful, funny, smart but will kill to win.
Description: built like a career, very strong, brown, short, hair, Tall, handsome
Celebrity lookalike: theo james
Family: two twelve year old twins one boy one girl, ( ash boy and hope girl ) mother and dog
Volunteer: yes
Why volunteer: brother got reaped
Alliance: district twelve male, district twelve female, district nine female and district two male.
Weapon of Choice: Shurikens and axes
Backstory: father was killed in a lumber accident ( tree squashed him ) used to live in district 2 and he allied with the district two male because they used to be best friends.
Tribute owner: EnyaFitz

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