District 11 Male - Stone Everglade

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Name: Stone Everglade

District: 11

Age: 17

Gender: M

Personality: Stone is not the type of person you want to hang out around too long. He is so depressed and negative it can catch. Even his own mother wants to stuff a gag in his mouth 90% of the time. He is difficult and sarcastic though what his motives are no one knows. Maybe it amuses him, maybe he just hates you its anyones guess. (Though it is most likely the latter.) Stone is very in touch with reality and has both feet on the ground. If someone were to ask him “Is the glass half empty or half full?” He would simply state, “Bite me.”

Description: Stone has short cropped black hair and very sharp features and an lanky angular body. His eyes are a piercing blue, he has one long scar from his forehead to his cheekbone. He would actually be very handsome if it were not for the ever lingering scowl on his face.

Celebrity-Look-Alike: N/A

Family: His father and older sister were shot on suspected treason when he was younger. So yeah, its just him and his mom now.

Volunteered? No.

Alliance: Maybe

Weapon of Choice: He plans on dying, thank you very much. Having a weapon to defend himself would kinda defeat his purpose.

Tribute Owner: The fabulous @AKA-ANONYMOUS

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