Task 5 - Scores & Elimination

127 8 12


Best Quote: 'We were all dead. Our world was in ruin. There was no hope.' ~ Stone Everglade (+3)

Strangest Phobia: There were some pretty odd ones, mainly Winter's fear of balloons and Alex's fear of ducks. But for this one, Aspen Barker and his fear of chickens take the cake. (+2)

Best way to overcome fear: This goes to Caella Sillows, who killed herself in her hallucination to overcome her fear of life. (+4)

Funniest reaction to nightmare: Alexander Lacey wins this one. Freaking out over a group of killer ducks was pretty entertaining to read. (+3)


Flora Black: 25 + 0 (-5) = 20

Clement Janwerd Jr: 37 + 10 (-3) = 44

Caella Sillows: 32 + 9 (-2) (+4) = 43

Clara Clearwater: 38 + 10 (-4) = 44

Averlyn Lacey: 29 + 8 (-8) = 29

Alexander Lacey: 14 + 9 (-7) (+3) = 19

Aero Luzi: 41 + 10 (-6) = 45

Winter Harley: 32 + 11 (-4) = 39

Aspen Barker: 20 + 6 (-5) (+2) = 23

Destiny Harewent: 15 + 9 (-5) = 19

Travis Harewent: 20 + 7 (-7) = 20

Stone Everglade: 40 + 11 (-7) (+3) = 47



1. Stone Everglade (47)

2. Aero Luzi (45)

3. Clement Janwerd Jr ~ Clara Clearwater (44)

4. Caella Sillows (43)

5. Winter Harley (39)

6. Averlyn Lacey (29)

7. Aspen Barker (23)

8. Flora Black ~ Travis Harewent (20)

9. Alexander Lacey ~ Destiny Harewent (19)


6 people will be going on the chopping block. 2 will live, 4 will die. Since there are only 12 tributes left, this means the bottom half of the tributes in the rankings (which means ranks 6 and below) will be on the chopping block. This actually works out because since Flora didn't hand in, she is automatically on the chopping block.


- Averlyn Lacey

- Aspen Barker

- Flora Black

- Travis Harewent

- Alexander Lacey

- Destiny Harewent

You must vote for TWO of these tributes who you want to save. Voting closes 10pm, Australian Eastern Daylight Time, 17th of October.

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