District 9 Male - David Green *DEAD*

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Name: David Green

Age: 17

Gender: Male

District: 9

Personality: Very bloodthirsty. David hates people and enjoys their pain. His goal is to kill the most tributes this year.

Description: Short, only 5 foot 6, but 145 lbs and very strong. He has long, black hair that covers his eyes, yet he manages to see very well. David is not the tribute to mess with.

Celebrity look alike: I don't know.

Family: A very abusive father named Nicholas Green. Nicholas killed David's mother when David was young, although he got away with it because no one knows.

Volunteer? Yes

Why he volunteered? He enjoys other people's pain.

Alliance: He is all on his own.

Weapon of choice: He can use any weapon. He has trained long and hard for this moment.

Backstory: He has been raised by his father. Nicholas Green is very abusive, and that is the reason David enjoys other people's pain. He wants them to go through what he had to go through.

Tribute owner: @colester88

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