Interview - Blake Raven

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The bell rings and my district partner, Rain Water, skips off the stage.

"And now for our next tribute, Blake Raven, our district 8 male!" the interviewer, Ruby Shimmer, announces, and I walk onto the stage. I wave to the crowd, and they scream and cheer excitedly for me.

I sit down onto the chair next to Ruby and smile.

"Okay, now, Blake," she began. "Let's start with the basics. How are you liking the capital so far?"

"Oh, it is amazing!" I say, emphasizing the word "amazing". "I love the food! And the hotels are so fancy! My room is so much better than back home in district 8!"

"Why, thank you!" she says. "Now onto our next question. Who stands out the most to you this year? Do you think they are dangerous?"

I think for a moment, remembering watching the reapings for each district on the train. "Well, the careers, as usual. But the person that stands out to me the most is David Green from 9. He seems a bit like a career. But the reason he stands out to me is because he didn't enter to bring glory to his family or district. He volunteered because he wants the satisfaction of killing. He is super bloodthirsty, and, well, I think that he is dangerous and need to watch out for him in the Games." I glance back at David nervously. His jet black hair is covering his eyes, as usual, so I can't see his eyes. But what I can see is his mouth, and he is grinning. A very wide, wicked grin.

"Yeah," Ruby agrees. "When I saw the reaping for his district, I was surprised. A volunteer? From district 9? And the person he volunteered for wasn't even close to being related to him! Ricky Rosen!" The crowd laughs and she messes with her smooth, blond hair for a moment. Everyone waits on her impatiently, but we don't say anything, especially me, because, as I have been informed that, if we get on her bad side, out life in the arena will be hell, and who wants to go through that?

After a moment that seemed to last an hour, she finally finishes braiding her hair. "Alright, next question!" she chirps. "Who do you think is the weakest tribute?"

"Ooh, that's a toughie," I say. "Especially because I don't want to hurt the person I choose's feelings and make them want to just kill themselves. But if I have to answer, I guess I would have to go with Destiny Harewent, but I really don't know." I look back to where all the tributes are. "No offense Destiny!" I yell, and a girl rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, I know that would be a tough question, especially for someone with your personality. Nice, popular, and not eager to hurt anyone's feelings," Ruby says, nodding understandingly. "Now how about the next question?"

"NEXT QUESTION! NEXT QUESTION!" the crowd chants excitedly, and Ruby laughs.

"Alright, alright," she says. "Do you have any loved ones? Like a girlfriend? A a sibling? Parents?"

"Yes, of course," I answer. "I have my parents, Lilly and James Raven. I also have a twelve year old brother named Sean Raven. And then there's my girlfriend, Madison McFadden." I turn to the camera. "Love you guys!"

The crowd laughs and Ruby smiles. "Alright, next question!" she says. "What do you miss about back home in district 8?"

"Well, I miss my family and friends, of course," I answer. "I also miss my house, my room, my bed. I really miss everything!"

"Yes, I understand how that must feel," she says, nodding. "It must really suck to be away from your home. But how about we move on to the next question?"

"Okay!" I agree.

"Great," Ruby grins. "So, do you think have a chance of winning?"

"Honestly, no," I tell her. "It certainly doesn't help that I don't have any allies. I'm also not very good with many weapons, so that doesn't help." I finish with that, but Ruby isn't expecting it, so we stay silent for a moment.

"Oh, you're done!" she says, a look of realization appearing on her face. "Sorry about that. I didn't know."

"That's perfectly fine!" I say. "Go ahead and ask me the next question!"

"Okay," she smiles. "Last question. We heard that you used to be unnoticed and unliked, even bullied and made fun of. But all we heard was that you made changes and became popular. May I ask, what exactly were those changes?"

"Ah, yes!" I say. "Well, I used to be overweight. I know that may seem crazy, but yes. I was overweight. So I went on a diet and began working out more. Eventually, I became like this."

I flex, pulling up my short sleeve so they can see my bicep. It is huge, possibly even and inch and a half tall! The crowd "oohs" and "aahs" until I finally stop and let my sleeve fall back down my arm.

"So, yeah," I continue. "I became fit, and since I am apparently very nice and all that stuff people like about other people, I'm popular!"

"Wow!" Ruby says. "How long did that take you?"!

"About a year and a half," I answer.

"Wow!" Ruby says. "Well, that sure is impressive! It must--"


She is interrupted by the buzzer signaling the end of my interview.

"Well, it looks like that's all we have time for!" Ruby says. "Blake Raven!"

I stand up from my comfortable seat and wave to the crowd. They cheer and chant my name as I walk off the stage.

I'm more popular than ever.

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