Interview - Travis Harewent

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I straighten out the brown suit I was told to wear to match Des. It's itchy, too tight, and hot. I'm already sweating in the dim light. Tugging the sleeves one last time, I walk on stage as Ruby Shimmer introduces me. Just like I was coached, I wave happily to the crowd, throwing out a wink or two to some cute teen girls. At least I think they were girls. 

Ruby meets me as I'm halfway across the stag, kissing me on the cheek. She leaves a bright gold lip stain, sweatig on my cheeks. I groan internally, wiping it off. It only spreads and looks worse. 

"Hello Travis! How are you likening the Capitol?" She asks, sitting on a chair. I sit in one too and answer her. 

"It's okay. If you all weren't ruthless killers!" I yell angrily, calming. "But of course I am too, so what am I to say?"

Ruby gasps and laughs. "You scared me for a second. May I ask why you volunteered?" 

"Because I need to save Destiny. She's my sister so I need to protect her," I grin, leaning back. 

"How sweet. Who stands out to you this year? Are they a threat to you or Destiny?" I nod when she asks the question. There's plenty of people that stand out.

"Flora Black. She's creepy, in my opinion. She may not be a threat to me, but anyone is a threat to Destiny. That's why I'm hear to protect her," I nod slowly. Ruby nods too in a greement. 

"Who do you think is the weakest tribute?" Ruby asks, taking a sip of the wine next to her. I shrug, tapping my fingers. 

"To be honest, if you were speaking physically, Destiny. But mentally weak is a whole other level. That would be me. Because I will do anything for Destiny, I could end up hurting myself in the process," I explain, waving my hands. 

"Oh, I see. Do you have any other love ones besides Destiny?" Ruby Shimmer asks as she sets the thin glass back down.

"My dad, I guess. Somewhat. We've not been the closest of families lately." Ruby pouts at my non-explanation, gesturing for me to continue but I shake my head no. 

"Oh well," she sighs. "Is there anything you miss about back home?"

"Running around outside freely. Here I don't get to do anything," I grumbled, crossing my arms like a fussy toddler. Ruby giggles, and asks another question. 

"What you you think are the odds of you coming home?"

I think for a moment. "In an ideal situation, zero. Because Destiny would be the one coming home. But if she doesn't make it, I sure will for her. So those are the odds. 50/50," I explain. 

"Travis Harewent, everybody!" Ruby exclaims as I walk off stage. I sure hope I'm right.

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