Task 6 - Lock Down (SEMI FINALS)

133 7 23

You look up at the sky, waiting to see the faces of the dead. The first face to appear was Flora Black, the vicious career from District 1. The second face to appear was Averlyn Lacey, the determined girl from District 5. The next face was Destiny Harewent, the shy girl from District 10, and the final face was Travis Harewent, Destiny’s brother. You take a deep breath in. You’re in the final 8. You’re so close to victory, so agonizingly close. You fall asleep, wondering what the next day will bring.

You are awoken by screams. You jolt awake, only to see a massive tidal wave coming straight for you. The water rushes in from the beach circling the arena, obviously in an attempt to drive you to the centre of the arena. Clear as its intentions are, it’s pretty damn effective. You scramble to your feet, wake your allies and run from the wave.

The wave continues to tower over you, and soon enough you see where it is headed. The factory. You leap inside just as the wave crashes over the roof. You look around and see the other 7 tributes are here too. Each look just as shell shocked as you.

Suddenly, the machines around you begins to whir, the engines turning on. Gears begin to turn, and smoke begins to cloud the air slightly, although not so much that you can’t breathe. Then, you hearthe sound of a click, and all of the doors leading outside rapidly slam shut. You try and open them, but its no good.

You’re in lockdown.



Aero Luzi

Winter Harley

Stone Everglade

Clara Clearwater

Clement Janwerd Jr

Alexander Lacey

Caella Sillows

Aspen Barker

You’re in the final eight!


Task: So for this task, the final 8 tributes have been locked in the factory. They were cornered iin by the tidal wave, so remember to include that.

So in this factory, there are a lot of rather nasty machines that have come to life. Meat grinders, paper shredders, etc, all very large in size. Large enough to accidently send a live human through a meat grinder, if you know what I mean. 

By the end of this task, your tribute should still be inside the factory. The factory doors DO NOT OPEN yet.

Kills: You are to kill 4 people this task. No more, no less. They must all be in your entry, no more ballot deaths. And at least one of the deaths MUST be by one of the machines. So at least one person has to be killed by the machines in your entry. You can have several people tossed into the machines if you want, but you have to have at least 1.

Elimination: 4 people will be killed this task. That means that the amount of tributes is going to be halfed. You’ll have to fight hard for a spot in the finals.

All but the top 2 tributes will be up for elimination. The tributes in the number 1 and 2 rankings at the end of this task automatically go to the finals. Everyone else will be on the chopping block.

Bonus Points:

Best Quote (3pts)

Best death (4pts)

Most creative/strange machine in factory: (+2pts)

Sponser Perk: No more sponser perks from this point on.

Due Date: This task is due on 29th of October, 10pm Australian Eastern Daylight Time. I will NOT be giving extensions unless you have an incredibly good reason (hospitalization, for example). I expect EVERYONE to hand in. This is the semifinals, after all.


-          Winter Harley

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