Chapter 1: Uhhh... I like potatoes

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Welcome, this is my first book and I'm quite young so... it's gonna be... uhmmm "cringy" but hope that you'll enjoy it! :))) Any comments would be appreciated, I'd love to hear about your opinions and feedback! Also, it would be great if you leave a vote and some comments! Warning: there might be some mature content

Paton's POV

Hey! Ma name is Paton McDavey, I'm a sophomore at Pandoral High. I have an elder sister, Veira, and a younger brother, Billy. I have a few friends, though I'm not that popular. We are currently living in an apartment in Lakeside town. Must say it's a nice town 👌👌 with the green, expanding forest, the high rise mountain, the clear at the side of the town... though it is a bit cold.. I'm werewolf and my sister's a vampire - and I know, you're probably asking "How's that even possible?" Well... the truth is I don't really know, my father is a werewolf while my mother is a vampire but they've passed away while I'm in 9th grade. Since then we took everything in our own hands to keep what's left.

 As a part time job, I work as a mechanic at a garage, I was really glad to have this job cause I love engineering, and yes, I'm quite a nerd but I'm quite... "mysterious" and athletically fit to protect my brother from the bullies, he's a great cook, a nerd and a big potterhead, just like my sister. She'sa senior and a librarian, suits her, and my brother doesn't work. And with that, we have survived through a lot. Oh and before I end my "intro" I'm bisexual, which I have came out and more than satisfy with everybody, most of my friends and siblings don't care! Laugh out loud, these people! 

*beep beep* *beep beep* 

"Ughhh" I groan out loud for the fifth time. I'm going to throw this alarm clock away in 3 seconds if it won't shut up... *3 seconds later* that's it! Out in the trash! I searched for the clock with my hands but couldn't find it. Oh yeah! My sister was sick of me buying another one so I had to set it on my phone! Rigggghhhtt that explains it. I woke up rubbing my eyes lazily and pray for lord that today is Friday. Just my luck, it's only Tuesday! I walked into the bathroom, took a quick a shower, brushed my teeth and dressed up. Just the casual, dark green shirt and black jeans. I didn't bother to comb my hair, I like to have it messed up and beside, it would automatically turn back to normal later. Stepping out, I've already smelled the delicious cooking scent. Billy is cooking again. Yum! I love his food! Way better than what I cooked that my sister calls "dog food" . He learnt it from our mother. 

It's been harsh since they left but we three managed to moved forward, it took a while tho. Later, Veira came out, looking as lovely as ever with her brown, wavy, short hair. She looks strong and young with that. "Bro and sis, Food's ready!" Billy said. Without hesitation I happily dug into my food "Oh lord, your pancakes never let me down, they're the best dude!" I said. Sister warned "Hold your paws dawg, eat calmly or you'll choke" "With this delicious food in front of me? No way!" And with that, I quickly finished, just when the others started eating. I put the dish in the sink and sat down the couch. I looked in my messenger bag and right, there it is! "My screwdriver! I've found it! And they told me I've lost it! Ha! Jokes on them!" I evilly laughed

After a while, they finished and I slung my messenger back on my shoulder. It's a bit heavy, which is why shoulder is strong, but beside that I love this bag. My mum gave it to me when I entered middle school... ahhh the memories. Soon we were walking to the bus stop. We live 4 km from school so it would be faster if we take the bus. If I'm going alone then I would walk or run but today I got company. They kept talking about the same old topic, Harry Potter, "UGHHH" I groaned but seems to attract little attention as only Veira looked up. But she quickly continued her conversation. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against it but I just feel so wasted just being outside. I decided to jump in "Hey, you guys know the upcoming movie? Ya know, Fantastic Beast: the crime of Grindelwald?" "Yesh?" Billy replied. I said "It's coming on air this November!" "We all know that..." he replied. Damn it. "Oh... okayyy" and with that, they return to their normal topic while I try to cope with the awkwardness. Even on the bus the can't shush their mouth. Talks and laughs and arguements it's just a bit... annoying. 

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