Chapter 21: First fall

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*a few days later*
Fox's POV
Today I was just returning from the trip. Because I live in a different part of a different town, I drove home alone. It was around seven and I should arrived in two hours. The mountain road was a bit rough and rocky and I could still drove on it.
I felt a buzz in my pocket. I pulled my phone out and saw it was from Tanalyna. That brought a smile to my face. I looked up on the road and saw it was still going straight. I looked down at the phone and replied at her text. This was not the first time we've ever talked via text. Throughout the trip, we were texting and calling lots of the time.
Tanalyna: So, when will you arrive home?
Me: in two hours
Tanalyna: Cool. Then you get me anything?
Me: no :PP
Tanalyna: ;(((
Me: don't be...
I looked up and the next thing I knew, the car bursted through the barricades and went flying down the cliff. Darkness surrounded me and I fell unconscious.
Tanalyna's POV
I chatted with Fox through text. I joked about him not buying me anything
You: ;(((
Fox: don't be...
That was weird. He doesn't leave a message like that... my anxiety sprung in
You: Be what?
You: Fox?
You: Dude, stops joking
You: Reply me
After half an hour of assuming he has stopped to get food, I felt more nervous. "What's on your mind dear?" Mum asked. "Ah, it's nothing. For some reason, Fox isn't replying my text"I replied. "Fox? That guy you said was cute?" "Yeah him..." "Maybe he's driving" "Could be..." I excused worriedly. "Maybe shot him a call" mother suggested. "Oh, great idea!". I dialed him five calls and non of them replied. Then, dad walked in the kitchen. "Dad" "Hey kiddo" "Uhhmm.. this is a weird question, but what could be a reason why do guys don't reply to your text?" "Hmmm... weird but hard to answer question... I don't know, slipping?" "He's in a car dad" "Well maybe that's why he wasn't replying" could be...
I decided to call Paton. "Hey Tana, wassup?" "Uh hi Pat, can you call Fox? I've been texting and calling him for some times now and he hasn't replied to any of them, maybe you can try I guess?" "Uh yeah sure". I hung up and moments later. Paton called back. "Nope, he isn't picking up my call too. I though he has arrived home by now." "Me too. The last time he texted me, he said he was an hour and a half away, which meant now. Where could he be?" I thought for a while "Hey, you still remember where he went with his friends?" "Uh yeah, somewhere near Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests, if I remember correctly." That makes sense that he was two hours away from here... "I'm worried, Paton, what if something happened to him?" "I... don't know. Maybe we could call the cops. He was on highway 70 so the Colorado police could check around it" "Ill try to contact them". I said hung up and dialed 911
*some times later...*
I was doing my homework when the phone buzzed. I picked up. "Is this Ms. Tanalyna Kim?" "Yes, that's me..." "Correct me if I'm wrong. Half an hour ago, you called the Colorado police stating that your friend, Fox Hudson, went missing on highway 70, between Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests and Lakeside town. He hasn't been replying to your texts and calls and last claimed he was 2 hours away, right?" "Yes... have you had any further discover?" "Well, yes" the dispatcher said tried to remain calm. "Your friend, Fox Hudson, has driven off a cliff, down the hills and has been hospitalized at Pasteur hospital". When I heard that, I fell to the ground and almost fainted. I dropped my phone and picked it up. "Madam? Madam? Are you there." "Yes, yes, I'm... here. Thank you for informing me that." I said hanging up. Oh no, what now?. "Mum! Dad! Fox has had a car accident!" I shouted running downstairs. "Oh gosh, where is he now?" Both of them sounded worried. "Pasteur hospital" "Well, what are we waiting for? You want to go visit him?" "Yes please!" I grabbed my phone and purse. My father drove and my mother sat on the passenger side. I sat at the back and called Paton. "Hey, any thing new?" He asked. I didn't know what to say next. What now? "Tana?" "Yes... there are..."
Paton's POV
"Yes... there are..." Tanalyna said trailing off nervously. Lord, what happened. Please say that my best friend who I've just reunited with less than two months ago was safe and sound. "He is in the hospital now... Pasteur hospital..." i gasped. "Oh lord no. Be there in 15. Explain everything to me once I'm there" I hung up. I dashed out of my house and ran as fast as I could to Fox's house. I rang the bell and Mr. and Mrs. Hudson came out. "Oh hey Paton. What are you doing here?" Mr. Hudson asked. "Fox isn't here, he's with he's friend going camping already. I thought you came..." Mrs. Hudson added. "No didn't. Listen, I'm here for your son. He's in hospital after an accident. We have to get here now!". Both of them gasped and quickly got into their car. "Paton, come with us. We need to know the whole story" they said. I hopped in the back seat. "How did you know that Fox was in danger? You didn't even come? How... how..?" Mrs. Hudson said expressing her nervousness clearly on her face. "My friend was also worried about him and she called the police. Later, they informed her that he was hospitalized" I explained. Mr. Hudson sat in silence and focus on driving quickly. I could see clearly the worries on their face as parents, who wouldn't?
We arrived at the hospital and the last time I went here, the receptionist at my service was terrible. This time was different, another girl who was more enthusiastic in her job was at the desk. "May I help you?" She said with a smile. "Yes, which room is Fox Hudson in please?" "202, but first, I need to check your ID please." After some minutes of checking in, we rushed to the room. We saw that the Kims family was already there. Tanalyna looked up at me with tears holding in. I stopped and hugged her. She let her water out. Tanalyna is kind of a sensitive person. She sat down and talked with me about all sorts of things to distract herself with Fox. Then, Billy called me
"Bro where are you?" "At the hospital, why call?" "Well, would you call me if I dashed out of the apartment, didn't even bother to close the door, running onto the streets without a word?" "Fair enough. Well, Fox has had an accident. Tanalyna and me are here" "Be there in 10" "Wait what?" He hung up. Well, I guess we're having another guest.
*an hour later*
The doctor came out of the room and everybody's attention snapped to him. He looked serious and shook his head. "We've done everything we could... I'm sorry... he's gone.... "

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