Chapter 34: Daniel and his gayness

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Paton's POV
I walked into the room with a cup of coffee in hand and started flickering through a bunch of things. I was in mostly an undershirt and boxers since I didn't like shirtless, I didn't know why. I sat down on my chair and continued my work. I looked at the clock and it showed half past twelve. I yawned and took a sip of coffee. I was studying and working st the same time. This time, it was my third cup now. Meryl was deeply asleep ever since we got onto the taxi three hours ago. We got home by nine and she went ahead to bed while I studied and worked. I was recovering the memories of the hardware, studying for an upcoming test and looking ways to save my school and garage. I wasn't going to let go, no! Not now! No never! I felt my phone buzzed and looked at it as Daniel sent me a message.
Me: Are you okay? Why are you still up?
Me: You mean 'does it even matter anymore as you're gay'?
Daniel: Shut up, you're minne now
Me: Sorry, taken. You're a tad late.
Daniel: Well, thennn, your borther iz
Me: He's taken too
Daniel: Fuq eavreybody on earf, their'all takn
Me: Are you drunk?
Daniel: Your friend is cute
Me: Dude, you're drunk
I put the phone down and continued flickering a ton of pages. "The Black Death, the World War, the Cold War, the Industrial Revolution, the..." I muttered under my yawn. I continued shuffling the history book, then the chemistry, biology and literature.
*some times later*
I looked at the clock and it pointed two. I'm not done yet... I still have to think of something to write for tomorrow... I sighed and scribbled down some ideas, just enough to get me through the test. I was finally done with them and shoved the paper full of weird things that only I could read and understand aside. I started looking on the internet for jobs needed. I wrote down some notes and yawned. Out of coffee, again. I rested my head on the table and soon drifted off to sleep.
*some times later*
I woke up for no reason and looked at the clock, it was four in the morning. So I've slept for two hours? I remembered about last night's nightmare, what a horrible nightmare!
*memory hits in*
"Mother wake up" I tried to wake my mother up. For some reason, she was asleep in the middle of the woods. I turned her body aside and saw red coming from her shirt. What was she doing out here? I pulled out her phone and called sister. "Mum?" "It's me Paton" "Oh okay, whats up?" "Why is mum asleep in the woods?" "Holy. Crap. Is there anything else?" "Yeah, red water with sparkling dust coming from her stomach" "Sh*t! Where are you now? Get out of there! Now!" "Okay okay, I'm on high way 71" "Quick!" "What about Mom? Doesn't she hav-" "No time to explain" "Okay okay, I get it, I'm going". I ran as fast as I could to nearest source of civilisation. I stood in front of a bus stop and waited for something, I didn't know what, but something to happen.
Veira: mom... she's...
Me: She's what?
Veira: she's dead.
I froze there and dropped the phone. This... no, this wasn't real, it must be! It must be a dream! A really bad dream! She couldn't be dead! How? How could she be dead? In the middle of a forest? This doesn't make and sense unless.... the hunters! They must have tracked mum down! What the heck! How could they found out about us? Now those people are right under our nose, hunting for our heads. Oh lord, please tell me this is all a dream! A very very bad dream... please... mommy wake up.
*back to reality*
I stood up from the desk and walked outside. It was four in the morning. Maybe a warm shower could help. I walked into the shower and cleaned myself. It was a refreshing and relaxing feeling to be in a warm shower in this cold weather. I walked back to my room with a towel wrapped around my waist and shuffled through the drawers. Nothing much, a blue long sleeved t-shirt and khaki jeans. I laid down next Meryl and rest my eyes.
*some times later*
*beep beep* *beep beep*

"Wake up little puppy" Meryl softly said. I scoffed and turned to the other side, facing the wall and the darkness. "Wake up, it's time for school" "But I don't want to" "Oh come on, you have tests today" "How do you know?" "End of semester one" "Just let me sle-" "Wake up" she said and kissed my cheek. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. "What time is it?" "Six". She replied and grabbed something out of her suitcase, I assumed was an outfit for her day. I sat up and looked in the mirror. My hair was a mess but I just ran a hair in it to flip it to the other side. I stood up stretched. For some reason, my fang was intact with my lips and i could feel it. I walked out and made myself cereal. The classic. Later, Meryl, Dylan and Veira walked out. "Wait, where's Billy?" "He's probably at Anne's house. He has been really closed with her" I shrugged. As long as they weren't pregnant then whatever. I finished breakfast and walked into my room. I grabbed my bag and books and things in. There was a picture of my mother and dad on my table. It was her death anniversary. I took and kissed the frame "I love you mum" I whispered "And I know you love me too" I smiled. I walked out and saw the others waiting for me.
*some times later*

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