Chapter 47: Christmas Surprise (pt.3: homo)

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Rachel's POV

I sat on the grass on my warm coat and looked at the squirrels munching on the nuts. I smiled at their goofiness. Then one looked up. I swore I don't need true love to be happy, just his thankful face is enough to warm my heart. "Thank you" a voice whispered. I turned left, right, back, forth, but there was nobody there. What the heck? Must be the wind...

"Don't worry, there's nobody here, it's just us" that same voice again. I was seriously creeped out by then. "I'm here" it whispered again. What... what was happening?!

"Oh hi Rachel" somebody said. I turned around to find Samantha smiling cheerfully. Then everything slipped away, nothing but her smile and her eyes. "Uh, he-hello" I stuttered. I must have looked so dumb. "What you doing?" she asked. "Uh, nothing, just feeding the squirrels" I answered. "Awww, that's cute" she smiled "Anyway, I was wondering... uh..." she stumbled. Just. Ask. Me. The. Damn. Question.

"Yes?" I looked curious. "You wanna go to my house, I got some hot chocolate" she invited. Now that sounded more inviting. I nodded and followed besides her path. "So you leave near here huh?"

*some times later*

"Makes yourself at home" she said handing me the cup of hot chocolate "Oh and my brother and his friend and Mathews are coming" she informed. "What about your parents?" "Having a blastful date" she said. I sat down comfortably on her bed, leaning on the end with my arms supporting my weight while she sat leaning on the wall. "So, your brother and his friend?" I asked curiously. "Oh, Oscar and Tyler" she replied "Oscar's my brother studies way in Kansas and Tyler studies in the university downtown" "Oh my god, I study there too!" "Oh cool, you know him?" "I think, he's roommate with Daniel" "Daniel?" "Yeah, you know, that guy..." "Who often goes with Mathews?" "You got it" "Gosh, they look so cute as a couple" she cheered. I laughed at the irony. She doesn't know Daniel does she? Well, it's true that they look cute together. "Yeah" I nodded "I know right". We felt into silence again. "Don't you feel lonely sometimes?" I asked. It was Christmas and wasn't she supposed to be with her family, drinking hot chocolate and having fun together?

"Well, sometimes, but most of the time, Tyler was more like a brother to me. He just accompanies me and plays more of a brother than a brother's friend. And before you ask, no, we don't have any feelings together, he's uh..." "Gay?" "I think" she giggled. I snickered shortly. Again, it was quiet. The sun was shining bright through the thin white curtains. "Rachel" she said pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked up "Yeah?". And for a moment it was quiet. She was looking at me and I was gazing her. Her beauty. "I like you" she mumbled. I was stunned at first, not comprehending what she said but then smiled "I like you too". 

She looked surprised but closed her eyes and shook her head. Then she looked up and moved closer to me. Close enough for me to hear her breathings. Our lips were a bit apart, heartbeats and breathing clearly audible. I closed my eyes getting ready for the soft, wet touch of her lips. I welcome it.

Suddenly, the door bursted open and the one and only Tyler stood there smirking "I knew it". Sam threw a pillow at him but he grabbed it back and threw it at me. What did I do???

"Shut up" she yelled. 

"Fine sister" he winked. Yup, pure gay.

I snickered and looked over to Sam "Well we better make this official". And immediately, with lightning speed, her lips crashed into mine. It was soft, wet and... Christmas-ty cause of the taste of hot chocolate. Finally, she parted away "Agree" she smiled.

I didn't expect to find my girlfriend on Christmas Day, at least, not like this...

Still have to ask her about those weird whispers at the park and that necklace she wore.

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